

01月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小学400字作文感恩老师]老师--一个再熟悉不过的称呼。老师对于我们一点也不陌生,每年的今天--9月10日,变是为了培养人才而日夜操劳的老师们的节日。 感恩老师,是我们每个人都应该做的。"春蚕到死丝方尽...+阅读

Days are always like from the fingertips of the spinning, inadvertently slipped away. Those old days of sorrow, in youth passes as a fleeting wave. The cleaned up with wave gently away, leaving the joy and smile on the good old memories. Don't ignore the truth, do not let the weathered the years covered the world precious affection. " There is something years ablation." It won't be because of the passing of time out, it has been accompanied by around us, for we to dispel the darkness, bring the light.Living in modern society we, are strong commercial atmosphere surrounded, is tied up in a high speed operation of the machine, we did not observe others emotion world, forget the taste of his emotional world. We are accustomed to in its own time do not know how to cherish, missed the precious know in. Inertia force, we have lost so many good things, in which occupies a great proportion. We should cherish all the beautiful things, don't wait to be unable to compensate for the time, only thought of compensation. Cherish what we have, but not to wait until the loss of regret, this is the great wisdom of life.We have grown up, often forget the way home, whether intentional or unintentional. But we may have experienced older parents mood? Many home and have a look our parents, let our parents know our hearts at least they, more to the home run, because we owe too much emotional bonds."The road has an end, endless love." Men differ with general animal, is that people have emotional, moral, with gratitude, has the sense of justice. We often speak of" filial piety" is required to do for the children we must to their parents. Thanksgiving is a kind of morality, is a philosophy of life. Everyone should have a heart of gratitude, gratitude to growth of our people, appreciate the support of our people, thanks to the help we are mature."Parents, not far", is thousands of years old, although some old, but has its own reason. When the outside we fight, or play outside, do not be too greedy. Remember, there are our parents one one need our care lonely old man!Fortunately we still have a chance, please cherish the love of parents, parents of tolerance, so that the female parents happy, happy life, do not leave any regrets in our hearts with hate. Let us consider a point for their parents, many home with his parents, so that parents in the rest of one's life to enjoy the happiness of a family union.


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