

01月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求写英语求职信]My name is Wang Manli.I am 24 years old.I majored in business management.I graduated from Longjiang Technology Institute,and receive excellen grades in all cour...+阅读

My favourite hobby

I have many hobbies,such as ,playing pingpong,go shopping,surfing the Internet,go climbing the mountains ,watching Tv and so on .But surfing the Internet is my favourite hobby.Because it is very beneficial to my study and life.I can make friends on the Internet ,get more new information,open my eyes.besides,It can let me happy.Meanwhile,the Internet has many disadvantages,so we should not be addicted to it



英语作文求职信一封 50 80单词具体见图My name is Manli Wang,24 year-old girl.I graduated from Longjiang Technical College last year ,majored in business administration.In the college,I learned every...

帮我写一封英语的求职信急急急Dear Sir/Madam, Your advertisement for a software engineer in China Daily of December 28th has interested me and I would like to apply for this position. My nam...

应聘信英语作文Dear Sir/Madam: Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds...

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植物观察日记满天星500字梅花的观察日记 小小的花瓣,细而有劲的枝,淡淡的粉白,缠绕在周身的芳香。那是一种在冬天才傲然开放的花,那是一种在雪中才显得更加纯白的花,那是一种雪花压不到的花。是的,那就是...
