

01月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[作文我的高考观后感]我的高考》观后感 今天上午,景老师带我们观看了安永全的《我的高考》视频,看完之后,我很感动。 这段视频讲的是安永全在家中自学高中内容,最终如愿以偿考上大学的故事。第一次高...+阅读

The two bar charts indicate the reasons for students'study among five age groups and the amount of supports received from their employers.According to the data,students can be divided into five age groups,namely,under 26,26-29,30-39,40-49,over 49.As we can see from the first bar chart,there is a trend of general growth on the percentage of people who are studying for their interests from first group(under 26)to the fifth group(over 49).Only 10 percentage people in first group(under 26)regard interest as theirmotivation to study. Compared with the first age group,age group No.2(26-29) and No.3(30-39) have a relatively higher percentage,which is 18% and 23% respectively.As for the the fourth age group(40-49),the proportion of people who chose interest as their study motivation accounts for 50%,much less than the fifth age group(over 49) which is 70%.However,if we come to count the proportion of students who just study for a career in the five given age groups,namely,the first age group(under 26)which is 80%,the second group(26-29) which has a share of 69%,the third group which stand at 59%,the fourth group(40-49)which accounts for 50% and the final group(over 49)which is 19%,where we can see a slightly dip among these groups.For the second bar chart,it shows us a fluctuation.Most of the people under the age of 26 who are receiving the time off and fees helps from their employers,reached at 61%,10% more than that of 26 to 29 year old people.The third age group(30-39)has the lowest percentage of peoplewho receivesany holidays and fees from their boss,at which group,the trend beginning to increase to 33% in fourth age group(40-49) and peak at the data which is 42% in the final group.



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