

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com


It's widely accepted that sleep plays a significant part for our human beings ,and what's more,a lot of attention is being drawn to the sleep of our young teenagers.Many of the youngs is thought to be sleep late to play computers and results some schools cutting off the electricity in the dormitory after midnight.However, whether the schools should do this,people's ideas vary. On the one hand ,some people hold the view that it really do good to students' day study,as the earlier they sleep ,the better spirit they will have ,young teenagers themselves suerly do not have a good selfcontrol ,which as a result ,needs to be managed by the efforts of schools.On the other hand,a great many of people insist that it undoubtly set an limit to the students' daily life ,and force them to develop what they like according to their own schedule. From my perspective ,however,we students have already grown up ,and we have our own judgement to clarify what's right and what's wrong ,and we also have the right to live by our own way and own experience ,even by our own mistakes ,that's to say ,how can we learn to walk as the adults even not give us the chance to fall.So it just needs time to let us realize how importance the sleep is ,then we will do it willing not by force .And it's also the best way to promote the understanding between schools and students. 原创、放心看吧····


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