

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[大一现代实用职业英语综合教程一第一篇作文]A friend is someone who can let you feel warm when you are depressed. I have many friends. However I only have one best friend and it's XXX. He is the same age...+阅读


1、老课文新延伸 2、旧故事重新编

3、新材料编故事 4、按提纲写故事


1、看图作文 2、图形作文

3、物品作文 4、音响作文


1、语词作文 2、形象作文


1、时间假设 2、空间假设

3、角色假设 4、功能假设



英语小作文描述一个你认为你居住的城市中最好的一个地方the most beautiful park in the citythe Century Park is the most beautiful park I have ever seen in Shanghai. Many flower shows take place at the weekend. and I...

求一篇英语小短文题目是我眼中的美国用词不要太深奥 100字左右because of comparison we can learn the positive sides such as more confident, the negative sides we should not learn.for example, some high school student even...

五年级下册英语四单元总复I.1~5 CBBCB 6~10 BCCCBII.1.to learn 2.really 3.to watch 4.healthy 5.pronunciation 6.musicians 7.were 8.used9.preferred 10.has beenIII.1.home to 2.what else 3.st...

四年级下册英语行知天下期末总复题答案选择题 ( )1. He asked me ________________. A. if I will come B. how many cars I want to have C. they help us do it D. what was wrong with me 答案:A ( )2. My moth...

人教版英语七年级下册完形填空Nearly everybody enjoys chicken, and the most famous name in chicken is Kentucky Fried Chicken. Mr Sanders, the man who started this ___1___ was not always very...


大学四级英语写作有几类题型?详细点1.体裁:说明文,议论文 最近几年的四六级作文的体裁以说明文和议论文为主。 说明文如:HowtoSucceedinaJobInterview(2000,12,四级),HowIFinanceMyCollegeEducation(2000,1四级),Pra...

请问大学英语四级考试作文通常都会考什么类型考试出的都是社会热点作文,只要你对这些有自己的观点就可以了。 但考试的时候要注意,尽量用简单的句子表达自己的意思,切莫把想法复杂化,因为四级作文得分主要考得是你驾驭句子...

