

03月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[翻译一下求职信谢谢了]Dear leaders: Hello! I am a marketing professional 2011 **** school graduate, glad to hear that your company will be recruiting new employees, especially in thi...+阅读


完全人工翻译!翻了我两个小时,希望符合你的要求.无论是视频广告,还是平面广告,内容都应以理性诉求为重点,也就是“摆事实,讲道理”,这种方式也和我们面对的高端商务客户的思维方式和辨认价值习惯有关系。当然,广告内容可以糅合一些轻松的、活泼的、时尚的元素,避免呆板的说教式的方式。 The contents of the advertisement, no matter video or printed ones, should be focused on a rational way of information transmission, which refers to “reasoning by presenting facts”. This is, to some extent, due to the unique modes of thinking and value perception of our high-class clients we are facing to. However, we can also put in some humorous, joyful and fashionable elements to avoid boring preaching.广告内容的设计,实际上是一个将我们的产品信息编译成用户可正确理解的信息的过程。

我们可以考虑外包这部分的设计,尤其是视频媒体的广告内容,但须注意的一点是公司和外包广告商之间必须建立充分的沟通机制,确保最终出现在市场上的宣传内容完全符合我们的产品定位、诉求重点、表达方式、以及贴近目标客户的价值判断方式。 In fact, advertisement designing is a process of decoding and editing the information of our products to make it easier for the customers to understand correctly. Therefore we can consider outsourcing this part of designing, particularly the designing the contents of video commercials. But at the same time we need to sep up a well-established communication mechanism with our advertiser partners to ensure that the contents of our advertisement carried out completely meet our requirements in such aspects as product position, highlight of promotion, way of advertising and the conforming with our target customers' value perception modes.聘请某一形象代言人也是新产品开拓市场的有效手段。

公司可选择在年龄感、演艺形象、个人气质、经历等方面符合产品定位的明星作为信息安全产品的品牌代言人。 Employing some spokespersons is also an effective way to explore market for a new product. We can select some popular stars as the spokespersons for the information security product, who fit the product position in such aspects as age, public appearance, personality, career experience and so on.好的广告语对准确表达产品诉求,形成对受众的强烈刺激起到重要作用。需注意的是,这一广告语应该在所有营销传播中统一出现,才能达到整合营销传播的效果。A piece of good ad words plays an important role in correctly transmitting product information and deeply impressing the audience. In order to receive an optimized effect of promotion, this piece of ad words should appear in every marketing campaign.


我们在安装双机热备的数据库时,没必要在2台机器上都安装一次数据库,我们只需在一台数据库主机安装完成后,用rcp的方式把app下的所有文件复制到备机上。以下是主要的安装步骤: 1。在A机(10。203。1。1 db_01)上调整主机内核参数,建立dba group和oracle用户,安装数据库软件,且仅安装数据库软件,create database我们后面可以手工的创建。 注意此处建立oracle用户后,需要给oracle设置密码,不然之后做信任机制会有问题。 2。如果有需要版本升级,在安装完成数据库软件后,停lsnr、停dbsnmp,运行升级的runInstaller。由于之前我们没有建库,因此我们在此处也就不必运行$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catpatch脚本。 3。在B机(10。203。1。2 db_02)上建立dba group和oracle用户,并且调整主机参数,注意由于需要建双机热备,因此需要保证gid和uid和A机上的一致。

4。在A机的/etc/hosts文件上添加: 10。203。 1。2 db_02 在B机的/etc/hosts文件上添加: 10。203。1。1 db_01 5。建立信任机制,在A机的主目录建立。rhosts文件 db_02 在B机的主目录建立。rhosts文件 db_01。


1.There are 16 kinds of essential microelement for aquatic plants in this... This production is also modulated from organic metal chelation salts, thus may keep its dissolving in most effective state within both acidic and alkaline water and makes it easier to be absorbed by aquatic plants and completely/thoroughly(任选) refrains from(refrains from=avoids) toxicity of metal ions produced/caused/generated(任选) by changes of pH value in water. Long-term application may promote photosynthesis as of the aquatic plants and improve their growing functions.

Directions: Water of per 100 liters is added with 10 milliliters of this production and, it could be added once per 5 to 7 days or after each water change.

2.Liquid manure for aquatic plantsis is a nutrient additive with multiple components for aquatic plants. This product including microelements and minerals such as iron, manganese, potassium, etc. could/may(任选) promote the synthesis of chlorophyll, leaving leaves more green. Being modulated from organic metal chelation salts, such prodution may keep its dissolving in most effective state within both acidic and alkaline water, which thus makes it easier to be absorbed by aquatic plants and completely/thoroughly(任选) refrains from(refrains from=avoids) toxicity of metal ions produced/caused/generated(任选) by changes of pH value in water.Completely free of nitric acid nor phosphoric one with long-term application may ensure healthy growth of plants and prevent issues of explosive growth(爆发性生长) of algae caused by water pollution from happening.



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