

03月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[安全质量标语]安全质量标语 1、安全创造幸福,疏忽带来痛苦。 2、一人把关一处安,众人把关稳如山。 3、电门接火别大意,若动电源先接电。虽说摘电别急干,电笔试电勿大胆。 4、安全是朵幸福花,大...+阅读


展开1全部 1, innovation and knowledge-based economy to become the fundamental driving force for the development of the times 2, with our really at ease for users 3, Japan on the matter on completion of clearance on a high-hundredth project 4, based on the quality of jobs grasp meticulous see products 5, finishing rectify sweeping clean and safe quality 6, high standards and strict requirements of high efficiency zero-defect 7, we embody the technological embodied the wisdom of the quality of our dignity 8, to strengthen the awareness of quality as early as tomorrow will be better 9, innovation and enterprise is to improve the vitality of the fundamental way 10, to improve the efficiency of sorting to do to rectify 11, adhere to the "6S" is "the basis for the production of high-quality products" 12, no matter how busy production did not forget safety 13, to upgrade their service skills to create an atmosphere of service 14, security guard from the accident out of paralysis Shouji regulatory compliance to ensure safety regulations lead to reckless main reasons why 15, to comply with laws and regulations to improve the environment clean and safe protection of health 16, the security head in the first quality from reality 17, high-quality products is the basis for the survival of enterprises to improve the services business is the development of security 18, to raise awareness of specific services to clients optimize the service system to create a service culture 19, the building of good faith organizations to win customer loyalty 20, based on meticulous job of grasping the quality of products 21, must also think about a better way 22, the process of high quality brand name products from brand-effective 23, and want to have to do is to do so on 24, all for the sake of all users for customer service 25, skills than the quality of service than than collaboration 26, we embody the technological embodied the wisdom of the quality of our dignity 27, and innovation is the inevitable choice for enterprise development 28, Li Zhen quality of service excellence and perseverance 29, the development of innovation as the key link for the soul of the market for the first service to the source


2、用我们的真心 换用户的放心

3、日事日毕 日清日高 创百分之一工程

4、立足岗位抓质量 一丝不苟见精品

5、整理 整顿 清扫 清洁 安全 素养

6、高标准 严要求 高效率 零缺陷

7、技术体现我们的智慧 质量体现我们的尊严

8、品质意识加强早 明天一定会更好


10、工作效率要提高 整理整顿先做好

11、坚持“6S”活动 是“生产高质量产品的基础”

12、生产再忙 安全不忘

13、提升服务技能 营造服务氛围

14、安全源于警惕 事故出于麻痹 遵规守纪确保安全 违章蛮干招致祸端

15、遵守法规 清洁安全 改善环境 保障健康

16、安全当头 质量第一 一切从实际出发

17、优质的产品是企业生存的基础 完善的服务是企业发展的保障

18、提高服务意识 明确服务对象 优化服务体系 营造服务文化

19、建设诚信组织 赢得顾客忠诚

20、立足岗位抓质量 一丝不苟出精品 2

1、想一想 一定还有更好的办法 2

2、工艺出精品 精品出品牌 品牌出效益 2

3、把想做的都做到 把要做的都做对 2

4、一切为用户着想 一切为用户服务 2

5、比技能 比质量 比服务 比协作 2

6、技术体现我们的智慧 质量体现我们的尊严 2

7、创新是企业发展的必然选择 2

8、服务锲而不舍 品质力臻卓越 2

9、发展为纲 创新为魂 市场为先 服务为源


保护环境,人人有则 人人为环保、环保为人人 人人关心环境质量 人人参与环境保护 珍惜资源 永续利用 保护环境光荣 污染环境可耻 依靠科技进步 促进环境保护 提高环境意识 保护美好家园 合理利用资源 保护生态平衡 促进经济持续发展 保护环境就是保护生产力 保护环境山河美 持续发展事业兴 别让可爱的生灵在我们这一代人手中消失 发展经济不能以牺牲环境为代价 环境保护是一项基本国策 建设项目必须依法进行环境影响评价 合理利用自然资源 防止环境污染和生态破坏 The protection environment, everybody has then Everybody is the environmental protection, the environmental protection is an everybody Everybody cared about environment quality everybody participates in the environmental protection Treasures the resources to continue forever to use The protection environment honorable pollution environment is ignominious Dependence advance in technology promotion environmental protection Enhances the environmental awareness protection happy homeland Reasonably continues using the resources conservation ecological equilibrium promotion economy to develop The protection environment protects the productive forces The protection environment mountains and rivers beautifully continue to develop the enterprise to be popular


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