

07月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文导游词]英文导游词范文(一) Huaqing Pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of Xian. Historically, the Western Zhou dynasty saw the construction of the Li...+阅读


圆明园中英文导游词圆明园中英文导游词(2)EnglishWhere is a problem which comes to the visitor of tour in Peking to usually inquire about's ising the beard of Peking together.The beard of Peking originated a dollar generation at the earliest stage together, the most hours contain more than 6000s, the history was the earliest is dynasty the sun avenue and east inside the door four it the one beard of programed together very tidy, beard together and beard together it the distance of was mostly same.South north alignment of general is street, opposite compare breadth, such as from train station in Peking up to dynasty south small street and north small street of avenue inside the sun door, because of past with walk wagon is lord, so also call street.The thing heads for of general is a beard together, opposite more narrow with walk artificial lord, beard together both sides generally and all is four match a hospital. Divide the line from the geography position, ex- door with the beard of north same sort more breadth, program more tidy, ex- door with south of beard same sort is more narrow, programing is not tidy either.At Manchu dynasty, pure government for the sake of safety, disallow other parts of country to come to personnel in the city to live in the capital city, so the other parts of country person concentrates to live fore door and 崇 text door outside, also therefore became an ex- door business district;Many in the foreign personnel is come to city to rush through to test of raise a person, so became the azure stone factory cultural street, there are many amusement places in overpass region, the theater in Peking also all concentrates in the south city. The place of common people concentration activity inside city in Peking is in the sea of 什刹 a take. Because the beard of Peking isn't together concentrated, generally also impassability car, sight-see more tired, this station chose some beards together of photograph with provide the understanding beard the together general circumstance. "Beard in money City together" is together the most narrow beard of Peking(left diagram and descend diagram), locating an ex- door outside jewelry City avenue.In the past this beard together all of insides were together money shops, so called beard in money City.The beard wins the most narrow place to only have 80 cms of the breadths together, two people meet only the side wear body and then can pass by.The beard is together long to be about 3410 meters. Old Peking beard togetherThe beard is together a great special features of Peking.When a modernize international metropolis in the beard together of ruins up rise straight from the ground of time, people are worrying:Would the beard elapse together?As it does probably just, someone again 拣 has 1 to seem to be an old topic:Beard together is how become streets and lanes of name of?Is this phrase to how builds out?Put forward new look, so today again old words heavy say. A, "beard together" isn't a Chinese language at the beginningBeard same phrase sees a various dollar a miscellaneous song at the beginning.Close 汉卿《broad sword meeting 》medium, there is the language of"kill a blood beard together".Dollar miscellaneous play 《sand door the island piece living to cook sea 》medium, the piece feather asks plum joss-stick:"Where is your house lived?"The plum joss-stick says:"My house lives the brick tower son beard together."The brick tower beard is together four south avenues at the west, the place name didn't change up to now.Dollar person bear dream 祥著《the ambition of 析津》medium say understand:"The beard is two words this dialect."Dialect where, dollar mostly of.Clear person the placard says further in 《 the 宛 office miscellaneously record 》 :Beard together this person's language.Since is a dollar person's language, that can't be the Chinese language.The dollar generation divides the line a person to four to wait:Mongols, the eyes person of the color, Hahn people, south person.So-called Hahn people, point Hahn people, female true person, the person of 契丹 , tall 丽 person of north.These four kinds of people not same race, also don't use same language.So"dollar person's language"'s ising also affirmative isn't "south person's language", as for color eyes person, include of the race is more.For this reason"dollar person's language" can be a language Mongolia. Three, the strange name is original in the transliterationSome beards in Peking together of name ream the person is strange, can't explain because of using Chinese language.But, if the name making these beards bec...


As we all know ,Paris is the capital of France.It is such a beautiful place that all the people would like to visit it some day.The weather is neither hot in summer nor cold in winter.There are many places of interest in that city such as Notre-Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) and Versailles Palace.(凡尔赛宫)You can see many museums ,theatres ,gardens ,fountains (喷泉)and sculptures (雕塑)everywhere.It is really a civilized (文明的)and beautiful city.People in Paris are very gentle.They have colorful life.


颐和园英文导游词英文版颐和园原为封建帝王的行宫和花园,远在金贞元元年(1153年)即在这里修建西山八院之一的金山行宫。下面是小编为大家收集的关于颐和园英文导游词英文版,欢迎大家阅读! 颐和园英文...

圆明园导游词四篇圆明园导游词一 旅客朋友们: 大家好!欢迎大家前来浏览我国的历史文化遗产“圆明园”。我叫钱书逸,大家也可以叫我钱导。希望我的讲解能给大家一点思考和启示。 圆明园的辉煌已...

感恩的英文诗歌比赛要用的Thanksgiving感恩 Wilcox, Ella Wheeler. Custer and Other Poems. Chicago: W.B. Conkey Company, 1896. (翻译:赵志博) We walk on starry fields of white我们相携涉足于漫...

介绍圆明园导游词一百多个字一百字欢迎大家来到素有“万园之园”美誉的圆明园 。我是你们的导游。圆明园位于北京市西郊,海淀区东部。原为清代一座大型皇家御苑,平面布局呈倒置的品字形。它建成于清朝乾隆年间,...




圆明园英文导游词今晚一定要用yuanmingyuan was built during the qing dynasty. 本来是康熙皇帝赐给儿子 、后来的雍正皇帝的园林。it took 151 y ears to finish this grand garden. it cover ed 350 h...

今晚作业跪求庐山导游词400字欢迎大家来到风光秀丽、景色怡人的庐山,我是你们的导游,大家可以叫我小刘。 庐山的天气变化多端,苏东坡上庐山时刚好遇到的是云雾天气,什么都没有看见,所以他不由的感叹说:哎,这么...
