

07月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[某旅行社正在招聘兼职英语导游要求用英文书写求职信哪位大神帮]日期 收信人姓名 旅行社名称 地址 Dear Mr/ Miss XX: I am writing to express my strong interested in working at旅行社名称 as a tour guide . (I believe my travel an...+阅读


About WuYiShan In FuJian Province Mount WuYi, a fairly land on earth, is situated in the north of FuJian Province. It is the most beautiful place in Southeast of China. It extends about 5 kilometers from east to west and about 14 kilometers from north to south. It occupies an area of 70 square kilometers. There are more than two hundred thousand people in the region. Mountain WuYi was made up of hills , belonging to the red rock relief, which have changed over thousands of years by the action of that is today, and is well known for its green water and red mountains. In this region, that includes the Nine Twist stream, thirty-six peaks, seventy-two caves and ninety-nine rock formations. In 1999, WuYiShan city became one of the world nature and culture Heritage site. It has such honorable names as follows: the world natural and culture heritage site; the State key scenic area and State key nature Reserve; the National Tourist Resort Area; the State First Rate Air Harbour, the world' Human& Biosphere Preserve.


The Bingling Si Caves sit close to the large city of Lanzhou and are full of examples of cave art that was drawn by Buddhists. The caves are particularly challenging to get to and thanks to their inaccessibility they have remained undamaged and unspoiled by curious visitors.

There are also interesting grottos that are carved into the side of Xiaojishi Mountain along with caves and the whole area dates back to the Tang Dynasty. There are almost 700 stone statues and 82 clay statues plus 200 crevices that are covered in murals.

Bingling Si Temple is also a set of caves situated on the Yellow River and the Liujiaxia Reservoir. Over time natural erosion, earthquakes and thieves have destroyed many parts of the grottos and caves and there are many walkways that make exploring the area easy on foot.


Rong Jin ancient street is located 25 kilometers southeast of the village of Pingle Guangxi Province. Ancient banyan, Gurong wall, ancient street are best tourism resources in Rong Jin, Rong Jin ancient street is a natural tourism resources and cultural tourism resources of potential tourist areas combined . Rong Jin banyan Group is composed of eight age banyan formed over thousands of years, particularly in the north blocks of even the walls of reason banyan and Dong Jiekou banyan the most features, is indeed rare, and even grounds not only ancient banyan vigorous, lush foliage even more amazing is its development of a robust aerial roots to resemble tree trunks with branches, stem connected with the formation of a peculiar combination of several arch group, makes an eye-opener, full of praise. Dong Jiekou walls ancient banyan is a banyan tree on the wall, it is hard to tell, "first, the wall or the first, banyan" and marveled. Therefore, even the grounds and walls banyan and banyan Rong Jin, tourism resources are the most unique attractions. Rong Jin ancient street, the street the same time, several large reservoirs along the street to become highly ordered ornamental value of the water body combination, and there is Rong Jin River, Sand River flows along the edge of the village, the river on both sides of the Bambusa Multiplex Graceful bundle and its reflection of a very charming, and then coupled with the fields around the village, so that Rong Jin, a southern tourist areas like the rural scenery map. 比较难,机器翻译后改了一下。



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