

08月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一篇长城英语解说词]I went to Beijing with my family on my vacation.Beijing is a beautiful city,and the people were very friendly,the food was very delicious.First day, We visited...+阅读

用几句英语说明长城用英语说明长城 10句左右就可以

The Great Wall The Great Wall was first built in ancient China。 It is not only a wall, but it is also a tourist resort。 The greatest part of the Great Wall is in Beijing。 It is called "Badaling"。 It is 7。8 metres high on an average。 And it is 6。 6 metres wide at the bottom while 5。8 metres wide on the top。 The Great Wall is visited by thousands of people coming from different countries。 A Chinese saying goes like this," You are not a true man until you get to the Great Wall。"(不到长城非好汉)。


The Great Wall of China is one of the world's great wonders, it was built in the Qin Dynasty, firstit was used to resist foreign aggression. Chief of the Great Wall more than 7,000 kilometers, the wall is nearly 10 meters high. Beautiful scenery is on both sides of the Great Wall.pleasant scenery has attracted many tourists. As the saying goes: "Great Wall less than non-hero." It is China's pride....


Hi all ,here we arrived the great wall ,now you have 2 hours here , we will leave on 9 o'clock , The car will be ready in the entrance ,Please mark down the car number and back in 9 o'clock on time .

Now please take all your belongings and turn off the window before getting down to the great wall .

Hope you all have a nice trip in the great wall .


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