

09月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[时尚服装店的广告词]1、走过路过不要错过。 2、雅飞服饰,每一件服装都经过我们精心设计,质量上层,做工精细。 3、一件精美的羊绒衫赠送给爱人,赠送给父母,无不体现您最深切的体贴与关怀,愿我们的羊绒...+阅读

Welcome to Wang Haiyang's Clothing Shop. We have all kinds of clothing at a very good price. For girls, we have skirts in all colors for only 30 yuan. For boys, we have T-shirts in white , black, blue ,orange and green for only 15 yuan. We have shoes in white and black for only 20yuan for both girl and boys. We also have socks in all color s for both boys and girls for 5 yuan!And that's not all!


英语作文请写一则教师招聘广告Employment Teaching positions: Two instructors of mathematics for grades 1-3. Qualification: College graduates. 2-year of teaching experience at the same levels...

假如我有一个服装店要大甩卖广告词怎么写走过路过千万不要错过!本店搞促销活动,围巾原价10元现在只要5元,买2送1,羊毛衫原价180现在只要90元,其余一律五折优惠! Pass pass by do not miss! We engage in promotional acti...

描述一则广告的英语短文Coke is It! and New Coke In early 1982, Coca-Cola launched a new ad campaign, "Coke Is It!," with an emphasis on the product's qualities of taste and refreshment....

写一则英语招聘广告ADVERTISE JOB OFFERS Our hotal is now recruiting waiters and waitresses.If you own the following conditions, we hope your application: (1)Age between 18 to 35 (...

我最欣赏的一则广告我能!”这是一则广告词,我虽然在电视上很少遇到这则广告,但我却深深的记住了。 在你快坚持不住的时候,想放弃的时候,大声喊一声:“我能!" 当你要登上那高高的山顶时,就要你用坚定,自信...

请以我最欣赏的一则广告或我最讨厌的一则广告为题写一段话我最讨厌的一则广告 我喜欢看电视,因而难免看到许许多多的广告:有的描述的是一个故事;有的有五彩缤纷的画面;有的十分幽默,十分诙谐.但有一则广告,我却打心眼里厌烦它. 我讨厌脑白...

美美服装店开张了请你发挥想象替美美服装店写一则约60词的促销Do you want to change the United States it?Do you want to become beautiful it?Peoples attention of what you want to be ?Just come to the United States and the U...

请写10条有趣的英语广告1.Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2.Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3.The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4.We lead Others co...

假如你是一家鞋店老板请你用英语为商店写一则广告英语广告作文商店衣服80词:Pretty Girl Shoes Store Sale! Come to Pretty Girl shoes store. We have all kinds of shoes for men and women, old and young. For young la...
