

07月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[天坛导游词200字]天坛导游词200字篇【1】 亲爱的游客们,你们好吗?我是你们的导游,你们可以叫我刘导,我们今天所要参观的就是以前皇帝祭天的地方天坛。 明朝永乐皇帝在北京南城仿照南京的大祀殿...+阅读


Lijiang River in Guilin


Hello! Ladies and gentlemen!Now, we reach Guangxis most famous scenic spot and hottest tourist destination. I hope youll enjoy it and he a chance to relax here.

Now, let me introduce Guilins water system to you. It consists of two rivers and four lakes. Two rivers are the Lijiang and Taohua rivers, while the four lakes are Ronghu, Shanhu, Guihu, and Mulong Lakes. Together these bodies of water form the Guilin Water Systems Dream Tour. This tour and construction of the water system began during the Tang Dynasty and was popular in Song Dynasty. During these periods, there were many lakes and ponds scattered throughout Guilin. The citys water system was thus highly developed. People could get to and enjoy all the well-known scenic spots by a small boat.

However, with the passage of time, the two rivers and four lakeswere cut off from one another and Guilins Water System became fragmented and the water quality worsened. In 1998, the Municipal Party mittee and the Municipal Administration carried out the Two Rivers and Four Lakesproject. This involved connecting the rivers and lakes, cleaning out their water, particularly removing the silt and dirt, drawing water into lakes, making the hills and surrounding landscape greener, building the roads and bridges, and improving the cultural attractions. This project has not only rebuilt and expanded Guilins old water system, but also improved the ecological environment of the central city and boosted its appearance and quality of life. For example, pleasure boats can once again be seen sailing on the waters within the city. This recreational landscape is one of the best in China and can be pared with other famous so-called water cities, including Venice and Amsterdam with their canals and Paris with its Seine River.

As you can see, Lijiang River is Guilins quintessential landscape. Its water quality is also better than that of most Chinese rivers that flow through major cities. It is part of the Pearl River system and originates from the first peaks of southern China, the Maoer Mountain. The 83-kilometer waterway from Guilin to Yangshuo is known as the golden waterway and is a must see for Chinese and foreign tourists visiting Guilin. Throughout human history numerous men of letters from very different countries he written memorable prose regarding the Lijiang River and its surrounding scenerys enchanting beauty. The Tang Dynasty poet, Han Yu, once praised the picturesque and poetic Lijiang River by writing that the river is like a blue silk ribbon and the hills are like green jade hairpins .

From Guilin to Yangshuo, the prominent landforms are karst hoodoo peak clusters. The river flows around these mountains to form valleys. The scenery is the best in Caoping, Yangdi and Xingping. There are beautiful scenes of Nine Horses Fresco Hill, Yellow Cloth Reflection, and Half Side Ferry. The Lijiang landscapes appearance varies at different times of the year, from different viewpoints, and during different climates. On sunny days, the sky and river are a vast bright green world with no bounds between them; the thousand peaks and hills will provide a visual feast for your eyes. And on foggy days, the water is wreathed in mist, with the fog constantly disappearing and reappearing. On moonlit nights, the hills are clear as if theyve been washed, while the river and its ripples are so green.

In the river section in Guilin, the valley is open, famous hills like We-Taming, Piled Silk, Elephant, Tunnel, and Pagoda Hills stand erect from the ground, and the cliffs are so steep that they seem to he been cut by a sword. So one of Lijiangs major features is indeed green hills, clear water, fantastic ces and charming rocks。 Every scene of the hundred-mile Lijiang River is a typical Chinese ink painting.









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