

01月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[桂林象鼻山导游词四年级水平]展开全部 象鼻山 象鼻山 象鼻山 位于桂林市东南漓江右岸,山因酷似一只大象站在江边伸鼻吸水,因此得名,是桂林的象征。由山西拾级而上,可达象背。山上有象眼岩,左右对穿酷似大象的...+阅读

Baiyangdian Lake is located in Hebei Province, China. It is the largest natural lake in northern China and thus referred to as the "Kidney of North China". In terms of environment, the lake is home to about 50 varieties of fish and multiple varieties of wild geese, ducks and other birds. The lake and side parks also are home to a vast number of lotus, ti plants, and other precious plants. From harvesting the fauna and flora of the lake, the locals make a living. While appearing pristine in parts, Baiyangdian Lake is under assault from a variety of sources, most notably industrial waste emptied upstream, the holding back of replenishing waters into reservoirs by upstream communities, and local fish farming. The cleanup of Baiyangdian Lake has become a test for the Chinese government's vocal commitment to environmental causes, but Chinese environmentalists have painted this agenda as little more than empty promises, often pointing to the lake as evidence. Baiyangdian Lake is a national and international tourist attraction flaunting its peaceful water scenes and vast lotus gardens. Hand-driven and motorized boats are available for small to medium sized groups, and large motorized boats are available for larger groups usually accompanied by a tour guide. It is classified as a AAAAA scenic area by the China National Tourism Administration. Islands on the lake host local restaurants that cook with local ingredients and hotels for the overnight tourist.


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