

01月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com


来自法国的以色列籍女歌手:Yael Naim

单曲:New soul

I'm a new soul

I came to this strange world

hoping I could learn a bit about how to give and take.

But since I came here

Felt the joy and the fear

Finding myself making every possible mistake


I'm a young soul in this very strange world

Hoping I could learn a bit about what is true and fake.

But why all this hate?

Try to communicate.

Finding trust and love is not always easy to make.


This is a happy end

Cause' you don't understand everything you have done

Why's everything so wrong

This is a happy end

Come and give me your hand

I'll take your far away.


I'm a new soul

I came to this strange world

hoping I could learn a bit about how to give and take

But since I came here felt the joy and the fear

Finding myself making every possible mistake



Yael naim,创作女歌手,并擅长钢琴演奏。1978年出生于巴黎,4岁去以色列生活。小时候看了电影amadeus后她便决定学钢琴。之后在音乐学院学习了十年钢琴。

2004 年,yael认识了鼓手、音乐人David donatien,两人在一起分享交流各自的的音乐经验,花了2年的时间在Yael自己家的录音室共同策划制作这张专辑,专辑歌曲以希伯莱语及英语演唱,乐器有钢琴,吉他,沙罗,贝司,打击,歌曲曲风轻巧搀杂着一些人声,很多朋友,音乐人参与了歌曲的录制,如laurent david , yoed nir ,xavier tribolet , julien feltin ,等等。

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