

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁给我推荐几个广告词]好的广告语就是品牌的眼睛,对于人们理解品牌内涵,建立品牌忠诚都有不同寻常的意义。下面我们来看看这些耳熟能详的世界经典广告语,是如何造就世界级的品牌的。 雀巢咖啡:味道好...+阅读

一、 ad 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n.

(1) 广告 (2) [域] Andorra , 安道尔 abbr.

(3) [军] Air Defense, 防空 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n.

(1) 广告 want ad 招聘广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n.

(1) 广告

二、 advertisement 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5vE:tismEnt] n.

(1) 广告, 做广告 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5vE:tismEnt] n.

(1) 广告, 通知 (2) 宣传 a full page advertisement 整页的大广告 wide advertisement 广为宣传 A-helps to sell goods. 广告(能)帮助推销货物。

[特殊用法] classified advertisement

(1) 分类广告 commercial advertisement

(1) 商业广告 paragraph advertisement

(1) 写成新闻性的广告 publishers' advertisement

(1) 出版商广告 television advertisement

(1) 电视广告 tombstone advertisement

(1) 证券发行公告; 证券经销人名单 advertisement of insurer

(1) 承保人广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5v\:tIsmEnt] n.

(1) 广告(= ad) The wall was covered with advertisements. 墙上贴满了广告。

It has many advertisements and many different sections. 星期日报有很多广告和许多栏目。 They like advertisements which show women in office, planes, and cars. 妇女们喜欢那些表现妇女在办公室工作、乘飞机旅行、驾驶着汽车等情形的广告。 (2) 登广告

三、 advertising 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] n.

(1) 广告业, 广告 adj.

(2) 广告的 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] n.

(1) 广告(业) [词性变化] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] adj.

(1) 广告的, 与广告有关的 an advertising career 广告事业 the advertising columns (报上的)广告栏 advertising agency[firm] 广告公司 =adman advertising rates 广告费, 广告价格 advertising man [特殊用法] bank advertising

(1) 银行广告 billboard advertising

(1) 展台广告 collective advertising

(1) 联合广告 competitive advertising

(1) 竞争性广告 concept advertising

(1) 有新意思的广告 cooperative advertising

(1) 工商业联合广告 electric(al)advertising

(1) 灯光广告 group advertising

(1) 集体广告 hand bill advertising

(1) 传单, 广告, 招贴 informative advertising

(1) 商品介绍广告 illuminated advertising

(1) 灯光广告 institutional advertising

(1) 建立永久声誉的广告 keyed advertising

(1) 广告索引 local advertising

(1) 区域性广告 magazine advertising

(1) 杂志广告 media advertising

(1) 报刊等宣传工具上的广告 national advertising

(1) 全国性广告 network advertising

(1) 网络性广告 outdoor advertising

(1) 街头[室外]广告 point-of-purchase advertising

(1) 零售商说明其经营业务的广告标志 price advertising

(1) 价格广告 puffing advertising

(1) 口头广告 radio advertising

(1) 无线电广播广告 slide advertising

(1) 幻灯广告 technical press advertising

(1) 技术刊物上的广告 trade advertising

(1) 商业性刊物上的广告 transit advertising

(1) 公共交通工具上的广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaIsIN] n.

(1) 广告 advertising agency 广告公司 advertising agent 广告经纪人 advertising expense 广告费 And advertising is one of the biggest businesses in America. 广告是美国最大的行业之一。



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