

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Ladies and Gentlemen:Hello, everybody! Am honored to lead the revolution to visit the famous site - August 1 Nanchang Uprising Museum!Located in the old city center of Nanchang horsepond, in the mountain west. Was originally a hostel, Jiangxi Province, was built in 1924.In 1957, in the former site of a "Nanchang Bayi Uprising Memorial Hall." Memorial Hall, standing along the street door, the lintel of Marshal Chen Yi hanging handwritten "Nanchang Bayi Uprising Memorial Hall," Jin Bian. On the first floor, according to the original appearance of the year has resumed leadership of the meeting held festive hall. On the second floor, third floor, the provision of four galleries, an inscription commemorating room and a large sand model room. In addition, original restored by Zhou Enlai, Lin Boqu uprising leaders, such as living room, and the Military Staff Committee, guard company, Health Department, part of the housing.Today's visit to this, thank you. . ....



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