

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写一封英文求职信高手进]Dear sir or madame, I am a college student from Yangtzeu University and I will graduate from this university soon.My name is Zeng Qing,majoring in Computer Scie...+阅读

"The West Lake offers the best sights in the world,whether the tourist is foolish of wise ,He enjoys himself in a greater or lesser degree,nobody can pretend to be a know-all . " The West Lake ,there are three strange things about it :the Broken Bridge is not broken ,the long Bridge is quite short and the Solitary Hill does not stand solitary .The Broken Bridge is famous not only for its scenery,but also for its beautiful legend of Lady White Snake .It became an important place in Hangzhou's most famous love story. second ,Precious Stone Hill ,is located on the northern bank of the lake and commands a unique view.Red rocks spread all over the hill and sparkle like diamonds inlaid in the rosy morning or evening .This is how the name of the hill camy by .Baochu Pagoda is one of landmarks of the West Lake and is the first thing that greets one's eyes before one comes close to the West Lake . The famous ancient proveb :"in Heaven there is Paradise ,on earth Suzhou and Hangzhou"means that Suzhou and Hangzhou were the finest and the most spledid places in the world .The West Lake is a bright pearl on the earth ,although it was endowed by nature.The beautiful view of the West Lake is difficult to capture in writing.It would be made known to the domestic and overseas friends who love the West Lake ardently. Strange yet is that ,no matter how many times one visits this lake ,one can't get any close to her .Too much heavy-duty embellishment creates a distance of some sort and makes it hard for casual interaction and identifiction. The West Lake goes too much for extravagance and style and details is the relation between people and the beauty of nature .She has inherited a name of high respect .Every hill ,creek ,pond ,pavilion ,or pagoda has a historial backgrouda of some great significance ,as a result ,everything becomes symbolic.


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