

02月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Stand alongside North America's largest series Of standing waves. Visit White Water Walk and take an elevator down 38 metres to the river's edge. Step outside of the tunnel carved through the Niagara Gorge to walk along the wooden boardwalk and stand beside North America's Largest series of standing waves....


Shanghai Botanical Garden

1111 Longwu Road

Shanghai, Shanghai


The botanical garden, founded in 1954, is situated in the south of the city in Longwu Lu. Here can be seen reproductions of landscape scenes.

Jade Buddha Temple, Shanghai

(Local Name: Yofu Si) The temple, situated in the northwest of the city in Anyuan Lu, houses two Shakyamuni statues which the monk Huigen brought with him from Burma. In order to find a fitting place to accommodate the statues, he collected funds for building a temple at Jiangwan in the northeast of Shanghai. The work was completed in 1882 but the building was destroyed in 1911 during the revolution. Seven years later an undertaking was made to rebuild the temple on a site nearer the old city, and this is how the present Jade Buddha Temple came into being. The building work took ten years to complete, from 1918-28. The temple is divided into three halls and two courtyards.

Yuyuan Garden, Shanghai

The Yuyuan Garden situated to the north east of the old town, covers an area of over 20,000sq.m/21,880sq.yd and consists of an outer and an inner garden. The garden was laid out in 1559 by a high state official in the style of Suzhou.

Outside the garden can be found the very popular Huxin Ting Tea-House the center of the Lake, reached from the bank by a zig-zag bridge.


The Great Wall of China is one of the world's great wonders, it was built in the Qin Dynasty, firstit was used to resist foreign aggression. Chief of the Great Wall more than 7,000 kilometers, the wall is nearly 10 meters high. Beautiful scenery is on both sides of the Great Wall.pleasant scenery has attracted many tourists. As the saying goes: "Great Wall less than non-hero." It is China's pride....


旅行时若不尝尝当地的食物,那么行程就不算完整了。在普罗旺斯你会找到用大蒜、甜西红柿和橄榄油调制而成的佳肴,这儿的美酒在法国也很有名。The people there are well-known for keeping their traditions alive. They hold many celebrations, dances, and festivals. You can even see a bullfight in the towns of Arles and Nimes, or enjoy poetry at Orange's ancient Roman theater with the stars shining above you.当地居民以维护自己的传统闻名,他们经常举办许多舞会和庆典活动。你甚至可以在名为阿尔勒和尼姆的小镇里观赏斗牛表演,或在奥朗日的古罗马剧场中,伴着闪耀星空聆听诗词诵读。Although Paris is the usual destination for travelers in France, you would be making a good choice by heading down south to Provence. It is a place well-loved by artists such as Van Gogh, Picasso, and Renoir, and it continues to impress any visitor who experiences its pleasures.虽然旅客前往法国的目的地通常是巴黎,但如果南下到普罗旺斯也是个不错的选择。



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