

03月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一篇感恩父母的英语作文不要叙述文要议论文字数在120左右]Everyone should have a life down on feelings - Thanksgiving, we have Thanksgiving life, family Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving life, the community Thanksgiving ... ....+阅读


1The Temple of HeavenAbout 2km southeast of the Forbidden City towers Tian Tan, or the Temple of Heaven, where dynastic rulers in China used to worship the heaven。 The temple plus subsidiary buildings and a surrounding garden covers an area five times the size of the Forbidden City。 As Chinese emperors called themselves Tianzi, or the son of heaven, they had to cede supremacy to the heaven in terms of abiding。 2Chinese emperors had many other gods to worship apart from the god of heaven, including the gods of earth, water and war。 They also worshipped their ancestors。 As a result, religious activities were an important part of their busy work schedule。 Temples of various kinds are scattered in Beijing。 The best-known are the Temple of Heaven in the south, the Temple of Earth in the north, the Temple of Sun in the east, and the Temple of the Moon in the west。 The Temple of Heaven is the grandest of them all。


各位朋友,现在我们来到了天坛,首先我为大家简单介绍一下,天坛是世界上现存的规模最大的古代皇家祭祀性建筑群,它是明清两代皇帝祭天、祈谷及祈雨的地方.天坛完工于公元1420年,位于紫禁城的东南方向,全园占地273公顷,是紫禁城面积的4倍。在中轴线上有三组非常重要的建筑,自南向北依次是圜丘坛、皇穹宇及祈年殿。另外,园中西侧有斋宫等建筑,全园遍植古松、庄严肃穆,是一处非常理想的祭祀场所。 在明代,天坛初建之时,实行天地合祭,不仅祭天,而且祭地,其位置便是今天祈年殿所在的祈谷坛上。后来,在京城的北面设地坛,专门祭地,又在祈年殿的南侧修建了圜丘坛及皇穹宇,专门祭天,从而形成了今天的格局及规模。1900年八国联军入侵北京,天坛也未能幸免于难。

侵略者在此胡作非为,盗走并破坏无数珍贵文物,犯下不可饶恕的罪行。 最后一个在这里祭天的人是窃国大盗袁世凯,但天不随人愿,袁某只做了83天皇帝瘾便一命归西了。解放后,国家多次拨款重修天坛,但不再是为了祭天,而是为了给世人、给世界留下一份遗产。 1998年天坛被联合国教科文组织列为人类遗产目录e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333337623431。好!下面我就带大家参观。 我自己写的!!不好告诉我!!谢谢拉~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...


大家好,我是这次旅游的导游,我姓*,大家可以叫我*导! 现在快到目的地--北京天坛,所以我先给大家将一些注意事项:“礼貌、卫生、秩序、眼看手勿动、禁止乱涂乱画”这五点,记得哦! 乘客们,旅游景点已到,请大家有秩序的下车!现在我们来到了天坛的正门,这里是皇帝前来祭祀时进出的大门。现在,就让我一一地为大家介绍吧! 天坛,1998年11月被列入《世界遗产名录》。它位于北京城南端,是明、清两代皇帝祭祀天地之神和祈祷五谷丰收的地方。天坛不仅是中国古建筑中的明珠,也是世界建筑史上的瑰宝。( 书村网 .mcqyy.com ) 天坛东西长1700米,南北宽1600米,种面积为273万平方米。天坛包括圜丘和祈谷二坛,围墙分内外两层,呈回字形。北围墙为孤圆形,南围墙与东西墙成直角相交,为方形。

这种南方北圆,,通称“天地墙”,象徽古代“天圆地方”之说。 以上就是天坛的故事,时间不早了,现在,大家自由参观拍照吧!--转眼间,我们的北京天坛一日游又结束了,大家有秩序的坐车回家吧!


Place Altar of Heaven Peking, the southeast in outside city in original Peking.Locate a past temple to be partial to the city south of the east due south, the positive sun door outside east side.Start to set up in 18 years of Ming Dynasty Yung-loh(1420).BE the Chinese ancient times is clear and pure two dynasty the in the past emperor fiesta the ground of the day.The total area is 273 hectares.Was taught the section text organization how to confirm by United Nations for"cultural inheritance in world" in 1998.


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求一篇感恩父母的英语作文不要叙述文要议论文字数在120左右Everyone should have a life down on feelings - Thanksgiving, we have Thanksgiving life, family Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving life, the community Thanksgiving ... ....
