

07月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Hellon was one of the greatest writer of the 20th century.But do you know she was blind.When she was a little girl she couldn't see any thing.It's so hard for her to learn thing like language.But she made it!Though she could only learn language by her hand , that is to feel the letters which is made for blind people with her hands.She didn't see any thing by her eye ,so,why she could write beautiful works.Beacuse,she feel the world with her heart and mind.



Hellon was one of the greatest writer of the 20th century.But do you know she was blind.When she was a little girl she couldn't see any thing.It's so hard for her to learn thing like language.But she made it!Though she could only learn language by her hand , that is to feel the letters which is made for blind people with her hands.She didn't see any thing by her eye ,so,why she could write beautiful works.Beacuse,she feel the world with her heart and mind.


A cancer girl Endured the pain, she entered the " one room " test on a line In those days, the campus has a leaning on crutches to walk slowly on the girls, not pessimistic, on the contrary, stronger than before. Unbelievable, Xiao Li 's performance has been maintained in the front grade. When she is about to enter high school, cancer cell metastasis to the lungs. " Some people say, you should not appear in the examination, but should lie in bed, this way, why? " The reporter asked. "For the dream. " Xiao Li said, her biggest dream is the body can hold on university. She replied with a smile: " fate doesn't love me, but my father and mother love me, love my friends and family, society, many kind people who love me. So, although encountered misfortune, I will back to the fate of the most beautiful smile. "


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