

04月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求自荐信英文翻译帮忙翻译下急]这是你要的答案吧!呵呵 祝你应聘顺利! Respect of leadership: How do you do! The university student, who thank you for appearing precious time to hang to read my to...+阅读


I'm a student, but a peer who loves learning, especially math . In elementary school, I in a book called "scientists there is a story" understanding of gauss and PASCAL, and father in life that from time to teach me some mathematical calculation method. From then on, the magic of the mathematics attracted me, I also have been full of the math yearning. To acquire high school as a child of the Olympic mathematics on the road for the award I have witnessed the sweat. I like to imagine, because I believe that imagining is the source of the creative imagination. My idol is apple founder Steve jobs, his great creativity make me admited defeat. He is a man full of imagination , the gift of inspiration and endless thinking make his own miracle, what he said taht "alive for changing the world" deeply affected me. I trust that I unremitting efforts, I can also be like him to change the world. Gaussian and PASCAL mathematical talent moved me a lot , when I see formula theoremin which is named by their name , I also want to create your own formula, leting the world remember me. Obviously this is very difficult, but I still trying. Usually I like watching the newspapers and magazines, including global times and scientific American is my favorite, he can let me feel the charm of science and technology


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