

04月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[如何写自传]如何写自传 自传,是把自己走过的生活道路、经历、思想演变过程等,系统而又有重点地通过文字表述出来,是自述生平和思想演变过程的文书形式(通俗地说就是写自己对党有怎样的认识,...+阅读


OPENING PARAGRAPH: Who You Are and What You Want (Purpose) 开头段:说明自己说明目的 - State the purpose of the letter and who you are. 自我说明 - Name the position for which you are applying. 应聘职位 - State your personal interest in the company. 对公司的兴趣 - Include how you heard of the position or the name of the person who referred you. 获知渠道 例:Dear Ms. Lee: As an MBA student at the Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, I am pursuing a brand management position with Goldman Snacks, a premier food manufacturing company. My resume is enclosed for your review. Reflection: Pursue a **position with提到公司了就加上一句简短的对于公司的评价 PARAGRAPH TWO: Why You Are a Good Candidate (Skills) 第二段:为什么你是合适的人选 - Do not restate your resume. Use the cover letter to say things that you could not “fit” on your resume. 不需要重复简历已有内容,自荐信是给你那些不大适合在简历上出现的信息一个发光的机会 - Relate your skills/accomplishments to the employer's needs. Do not make the reader guess what you want and why you are qualified. 向你的雇主讲述你的才能和成就,不要让他去猜你有有什么能力 - Use specific examples to prove what you claim while remaining brief and to the point. 用简单的例子来证明你的能力,但同时也要尽量保证简洁 - Don't emphasize your desires. Focus on what you can contribute. 不要强调你的需要和梦想,而要集中于你能带来的价值 - Answer the question, “What can I do for the company?” 通过独特的方式说明你可以为公司带来什么价值 With over two years of marketing and management experience from Pizza Hut, Inc., I can offer your firm a broad skill set with an emphasis on creativity and analysis. My marketing strategies at Pizza Hut led to a 150% increase in sales volume coupled with a profit increase of over 200%. Additionally, as a Marketing Representative for Neon Concepts, Inc., I assisted in obtaining large corporate accounts such as Vuarnet France, Science Diet, Nordica, Ray Ban, and Rollerblade. Reflection: offer a broad skill set with an emphasis on **** 承接词:Additionally PARAGRAPH THREE (Optional): Company Knowledge - Use their language, jargon, and technology. Use the appropriate terms to indicate your ability and expertise. 使用一些公司独有,或是业内具有专业特色的词语 - Tell them that you are familiar with the purposes and goals of the firm. 表明你知道公司的目标和理念 - Show how your personal philosophy about work, job, place, and profession fits with the purpose of the position.阐明你的工作观,你的个人素质等为什么和这个职位相符 - Use annual reports, recruiting brochures, and other company literature to obtain the information you need to match your career goals with what the company has to offer. 可以借助年度报告,借助公司招聘手册,以及其他公司的相关文件获得信息,以便你可以有针对性地向公司展示你的能力 My education from Rollins College and past experience within the PepsiCo family will enable me to help bring your company's products and services to the premier position in each of their respective markets. I understand that one of Goldman Snacks' strategic initiatives is to develop a partnership with restaurants in order to distribute its products more effectively. My experience at Pizza Hut and understanding of the fast food business can provide valuable insight in pursuing this initiative. Reflection: my education will enable to help ****My experience at*** and understanding of** can provide valuable insight in CLOSING PARAGRAPH: Next Step You Will Take 结尾段 - Keep it short and to the point.简洁,还是简洁 - State that your resume is enclosed for their review (this can be included in the first or second paragraphs also). 说明你的简历在附件中 - Include a specific request, such as for an interview or for a slot on their interview schedule. 提出一个具体的请求,比如面试机会等 - Be clear about the next move and follow up: “I will phone you the week of September 1st to schedule a meeting.”进一步采取行动,提出一个具体时间,表明你愿意打电话确定,面试时间 - Be assertive and take the initiative. 要自信,要积极 I would very much like to meet with you to discuss career opportunities. I plan to be in the Chicago area the week of October 9. For your convenience, I will call you next week to discuss my candidacy. Thank you for your time and consideration. Reflection: I would very much like to meet with you to discuss career opportunities. Thank you for your time and consideration.换一个说法同样适用: I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to explore how I might bring added ...







这是求职信: Здравствуйте! Меня зовут ХХХ из Китая, я люблю русский язык. Я думаю, России очень хорошая страна, и русский язык очень хороший, мой опыт XXX Я очень готовы предложить Вам свои скудные возможное, чтобы помочь вашей компании, ваша компания хотела бы также дать мне самоуправления -- Платформа для показа своих талантов. 中文意思是: 你好!我叫XXX来自中国,我非常喜欢俄语这门语言。我觉得俄罗斯是一个非常好的国家 而俄语是一门非常优秀的语言,我的专长是XXX我非常愿意为贵公司献上我微薄的力量 来帮助贵公司,同样也希望贵公司能给我一个自我展示才华的平台。


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