

04月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[护士毕业自荐信怎么写急各位帮帮忙帮我写份]尊敬xx人民医院领导: 您好,感谢您阅读我的护士自荐信! 我叫xxx,是xx大学医护学院应届毕业生.在校期间,本人学习勤奋刻苦,目标明确,学业成绩优秀,专业理论扎实,大学英语水平已具备基本...+阅读


Distinguished leadership: Hello! Thank you very much in his busy schedule had taken the time to read my job Zi Jianxin. I am XX School of Professional Numerical 2009 graduates. Is about to embark on the journey, presented here in my job information, special volunteered, your company is willing to accept the evaluation and selection. I know more or less through various channels of your company, know that your company is a very promising trend of the modern company, with great vigor, and I very much hope to join such enterprises, do its best to The company's dedication to the development of its own modest. At the same time, can alsoTheir own play a positive role, in the hope that with the help of your company, your company's largest development environment to promote their own development. University is three years, I keep making progress, and gradually improve, to equip themselves with the three-year struggle to develop. All these are aimed at the development and preparation for tomorrow. University three years, I have skillfully In addition to the basic knowledge, also participated in the NC, the high-level training and achieved good results. In the after-school time, I also actively engaged in volunteer activities to make themselves been trained. Face to make the best use, the best use of them today, I hope that the attention to the people, pay attention to itThe stem, at the same time I want to learn, to do my best to work for your organization's own contribution to the prosperity and development of a modest. Would give me a chance to interview, I would feel honored. Sincerely! Salute!


Respected leaders of your company:Hello!First of all, thanks for your busy schedule to read my cover letter!I am a college English Language Institute ***** A * level professional translation new graduates. Through some preliminary understanding of your company, I am serious about joining your company, the company dedicated a force, especially volunteered.I achieved outstanding results in school, the outstanding performance over the past three years has won professional and non-professional certificate. I have to learn practical subjects, including English translations, English Intermediate interpretation, English Advanced Interpretation, English Translation Theory and Practice of Business English, Business English interpreter, secretary the English language. A solid foundation to master the professional knowledge, ability, such as translation and interpretation skills; familiar with the basic operation of Windows, can be skillfully applied Offices Office software. Extracurricular like to read,The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Reader's Digest, etc..After school I live in a active part in sports activities to participate in volleyball in our hospital. And the second group received the gratifying results, based faculty glory."Tolerant of others, abstinence" is the principles of life; "excellence, enterprising spirit" is my spiritual faith; "dedication, innovation" is my way of working. I am confident of my ability and passion make me qualified for your job."Bole Xu, only a thousand miles," I chose your company in good faith, and look forward to your positive response, it if you blue vertical, will be served all my talents and wisdom. I think with what I learned, with your love and help of colleagues, must be able to achieve in the ordinary post extraordinary value of life.Zhu Guigong Division thriving PAST! Every success in your career further! Next attach your resume, get interviews!Sincerely,Salute!


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