

08月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急!帮忙写一个英文感谢信]dear xiaohe thanks for your reception when i came the lijiang in yunnan.i enjoyed very much.lijiang is so beautiful that i fall in love with it at the first sig...+阅读


Dear friends:

Received your letter, I am honored to be. Your generosity and generous, gave me the opportunity to attend the party. You let me feel the sunshine tender friendship, heartfelt thank you. Friendship is our grief when eased agent, the passion of shujie agent, is our pressure flow discharge mouth, we disasters shelter, is our hesitates when the deliberations of the brain, is our fresh agent, we thought radiation of mouth, and we thought of exercise and improvement.

My friend, a toast to our friendship. I will attend the party, and prepared for this. Again, sincere thanks for the invitation.

Dear Sharon,

Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during my recent visit to your home. It was nice of you to introduce me to so many of your good friends. I had a wonderful time at your home. Now I have resumed our work.

Meanwhile, I hope you will someday pay a short visit to my home and give me a chance to let my friends know you.

Please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you.

With best wishes.

Sincerely yours,



Dear XXX, I thank you so much for your support, now that I've gone back to school, I can continue my education. My father was a construction worker, and my mother was a simple mom that haven't even got a chance to go to school. With everything in need, and every bit of money spent, our family just don't have the ability to pay my school fees. But because of your generosity, I get to go back to the school yard I love most. My marks have significantly increased over the past few months. This is all because of you! Once again, thank you! XX[名字] XX[日期] 够不够?...



1、Thank you (very much). / Thanks a lot. / many thanks.                                                                  

2、thanks for your help. / thank you for the lovely gift / for your


3、It's very kind / nice of you.                                                                 

4、I can never thank you enough. / I really don't know how. I can thank you enough.                                                                  

5、Thank you all the same.(用于当别人因某种原因没能帮你时。)                                                                  


1、Not at all.                                                                 

2、That's all right. / that's ok.                                                                  

3、Don't mention it.                                                                  

4、It's my pleasure.                                                                  

5、I'm very glad you enjoyed it.

注意:在答复别人的道谢时,不可受汉语习惯的影响回答出诸如:This is what i should do或 It's my duty等答语。因为这给人"不是出于自愿,而是为完成任务不得已而为之”的感觉。


Note of Thanks

Dear ** (你要感谢的人名字) , Thanks very much for recommanded me the job at ABC company. That's a opportunity of entering a new community and also a change to improve myself.

I will not have all those without your help.

Thanks Again and hope you doing well all the time

Happy new year!!

Yours faithfully



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