

12月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[离职感谢信英文]Its time to say goodbye to everyone today. I will lee this afternoon. In XXX years, with you good friends, I he so much happy memory. I will never fet that and...+阅读


Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms XXX(teacher):

I am writing this letter to ask for your pardon for my absence in your class.

As CET-6 is around the corner,I realized how much I am lagged behind for my preparation schedule. The only choice I he is to borrow some time from my classes for this uping exam which is so important for me.Xzhufu. I am terribly sorry that I cannot make to your class, and I would be grateful for your understanding.

Thank you for your understanding and I do appreciate ir very much. I will make every effort in making up what I may miss from your lesson.




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