

09月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语致歉信]英语致歉信,本文两篇英文致歉信范本供大家参考。以下这篇关于英文致歉信的格式与了开头结尾的范本。感兴趣的朋友一起来看看这篇由资料站为您提供的文章。 英语致歉信一:Dear...+阅读


Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you for your letter of 10 July 2007, mentioning one mistake made by us in the invoice. We regret that owing to our oversight we debited S30 from your account. We are enclosing the amended invoice for your reference. Yours Sincerely, Zhang San 中文释义: 尊敬的史密斯先生: 感谢贵方2007年7月10日的来函,信中指出了我方发票中的一个错误。 很遗憾,由于我们的疏忽,把S30错记在贵方的账户上。我们对此深表歉意。现将修改后的发票附上。 此致 敬礼 xx


Dear Mr.Smith,

I'm very sorry to let you know I'll be unable to keep our appointment this Friday for our business talk as my manager asked me to go to Beijing to deal with an urgent matter and won't back until next Monday.

May I postpone our appointment to next week after I come back from the business trip.

My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you, Mr. Smith.

I'll be looking forward to your early reply.



Dear Li Hua, I write this letter to make an apology for damaging your music CDS.Several days ago, i borrowed your CDS and enjoyed them a lot. However, when I was doing my homework, I put the CDS in my school bag. But my younger sister fell down suddenly on my bad and when she stood up,I found three CDs were damaged.I am terrribly sorry .I will buy some new CDs for you.Please forgive me.Yours,Wang Qiang我自己写的,仅供参考啊。祝学习愉快。...


If were you,I am writing this letter to tell you that I'm going to graduate from college next month. Three years! Isn't that a long time? I have been hard working at my studies for three whole years. Now, I'm graduating! How about you? When will you finish your studies? How is everything with you? Xiao Li said he saw you at the Shanghai Auto Show? How is that show? I really miss you a lot. Could we meet sometime during the summer vacation? Come to my place. OK? Looking forward to your early reply!


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