
30句比较普通的英语祝福语如Happy new

03月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com


  1. 1. Happy Birthday! May your day be filled with joy and laughter.

  2. 2. Merry Christmas! Wishing you peace and happiness this holiday season.

  3. 3. Congratulations on your graduation! You’ve worked hard and deserve every bit of success.

  4. 4. Happy Anniversary! Here’s to many more years of love and happiness.


  6. 5. Good luck on your new job! I know you’ll do great.

  7. 6. Best wishes on your wedding day! May your love for each other grow stronger with each passing day.

  8. 7. Get well soon! Sending you healing thoughts and positive vibes.

  9. 8. Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for all that you do.

  10. 9. Happy Father’s Day! You’re the best dad ever.

  11. 10. Thinking of you during this difficult time. Sending love and strength your way.

  12. 11. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Take care and rest up.

  13. 12. Happy Valentine’s Day! You make my heart skip a beat.

  14. 13. Best wishes for a bright future! Keep reaching for the stars.

  15. 14. Just dropping by to say hello and to let you know you’re in my thoughts.

  16. 15. Sending hugs and kisses your way. Miss you!

  17. 16. Happy Thanksgiving! Grateful to have you in my life.

  18. 17. Hope your day is as amazing as you are!

  19. 18. Congratulations on your new home! Wishing you many happy memories there.

  20. 19. Happy Lunar New Year! May the year ahead be filled with prosperity and good fortune.

  21. 20. Thinking of you on your special day. Sending warm wishes your way.

  22. 21. Happy Easter! Hope your day is filled with joy and chocolate eggs.

  23. 22. Wishing you a fantastic birthday celebration! Eat lots of cake for me.

  24. 23. Just wanted to say I’m proud of you! Keep up the great work.

  25. 24. Sending you positive vibes and good energy. You’ve got this!

  26. 25. Good luck on your exam! I believe in you.

  27. 26. Congratulations on your new addition! Parenthood suits you.

  28. 27. Happy retirement! Time to relax and enjoy life to the fullest.

  29. 28. Wishing you a magical holiday season! May it be filled with love and laughter.

  30. 29. Sending you warm wishes on a cold day. Stay cozy!

  31. 30. Best wishes for a wonderful day! You deserve all the happiness in the world.

总结: 上面列出了30句比较普通的英语祝福语,适用于各种场合,包括生日、节日、庆祝活动、慰问安慰等。这些祝福语简洁明了,表达了对对方的喜悦、祝福或慰问,是与人交流时常用的表达方式。


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