

12月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[离职感谢信英文]Its time to say goodbye to everyone today. I will lee this afternoon. In XXX years, with you good friends, I he so much happy memory. I will never fet that and...+阅读

Replying to your advertisement …… Answering your advertisement …… Believing that there is an opportunity …… Thinking that there is a vacancy in your pany …… Hing read your ad ……

A:(1)Replying to your recent advertisement in the Boston Evening Globe, I wish to apply for the position of sales manager……

(2)In applying for the position of sales manager I offer my qualifications, which I believe will meet your exacting requirements.

B:(1)I believe after reading your advertisement in this mornings Journal that you he just the opportunity I am looking for.

(2)your advertisement in this mornings Journal for an adjustment manager prompts me to offer you my qualifications for this position

C:(1) Hing read your advertisement in the New York Times for an accountant, I thought you might be interested in my application.

(2)In your advertisement for an accountant, you indicated that you require the services of a petent person, with thorough training in the field of cost accounting. Please consider me an applicant for the position. Here are my reasons for believing I am qualified for this work.


A:I hesitate to state a definite salary, but, as long as you he requested me to , I should consider 6,500 a month satisfactory. 我对待遇总是无法定下确切数目,但既然您要我说明,我认为月薪六千五百元就满意了。

B: Although it is difficult for me to say what pensation I should deserve, I should consider******a month a fair initial salary. 虽然我很难说待遇应该是多少,我认为每月******起薪合适。

C:I feel it is presumptuous of me to state what my salary should be. My first consideration is to satisfy you pletely. However, while I am serving my apprenticeship, I should consider*****a month satisfactory pensation. 我不敢冒昧提出起薪是多少。最初我仅想如何做好工作,使您满意。在学徒(试用)期间,月薪*****即可。



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