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[个人担保书英文版]the Corporation. For this trading account (Account) the undersigned agrees to jointly a nd severally guarantee personally the immediate, full a nd plete perform...+阅读



天下没有无不散的筵席,沧海、桑田之间变换已成自然,送给各位同事的只有祝福与期待,祝福我的同事们一切顺心,期待我们的xx一帆风顺!Respect leadership and colleagues:You are good!I due to personal reasons, quit OA development engineer position, leing our XX group.Thanks to the XX Group I bring opportunities and challenges!Thanks to all the leaders of my concern and trust!Thanks to all my colleagues on the work support and help!To XX this huge enterprise, I think I was lucky, here to learn a lot, feeling a lot, and last year right out of high school, has matured a lot ... ...In XX year, for me is the most important thing in my life experience. Here I he experienced the defeat, also achieved success, there he been depressed, there he been happy. Failure is the imprint is engred on my heart., it will bee an alarm, a cornerstone to goad me unceasingly enterprising; achievement is another person happy, they will bees a new target, show me the way.As a technician, I yearned to see their increasingly adept, also understand XX such environment will certainly be able to provide experience their own opportunities, just as we can not pletely predict natural disasters, some objective contradiction I dont know how to solve, how to oid, a single selected topic, one of two, will be homes.There is no all feast, Kuwata sea, between transform is natural, for colleagues only bleand expectation, blemy colleagues all the best, and we look forward to XX everything is going smoothly!A letter of resignation letter of thanks


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