

12月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写一封想当学校导游的推荐信用英语表达 60词]To Whom It May Concern: I would like to take this opportunity to recommend me to be a school Tourist Guide when i knew our school need some Tourist Guides. I 'm...+阅读

dear sir/madam, Hello! First please allow me to extend the sincere regards and the good wish to you! Heartfelt thank you in spite of being very busy to glance through my material, and wishes the expensive unitenterprise to be prosperous, progresses day by day! i graduated from **** university, and experienced at translation. i learned that you are recruiting a translator which i'm eager to take part in, for i'm so interested at this. In school period, I study diligently at my specialized knowledge. and i passed ***(各类证书). most importantly, i can use English fluencely as my mother language. i hope i can work at guangzhou daily, coorperate with you and enrich myself. Looking foward to hear from you and i'm sure you will pleased with me. yours sincerely, signature date


英语作文招聘一名导游Ladies and Gentlemen: Today we are going to visit Zhongyang Street. This is the downtown area. In order to better know the street, we are going to walk through...

祝你情人节快乐用英语怎么说祝你情人节快乐用英语表示是:I wish you a happy Valentine's Day;Merry valentine's day。 Valentine's Day: 美 [ˈvælən.taɪnzˌdeɪ] n. 情人节(每年2月14日) 短语: The...

情人节祝福和安慰朋友的英语有哪些天下有情人终成眷属 May I wish that all Jacks shall have Jills, all shall be well. 希望你的心上人早日出现。 Wish your Mr.Right/Miss Right will appear soon. 情人...

求几句七夕或情人节英语祝福语It seemed as though I could not find The lovely vision in my mind; That is, until that special night, When you came walking into sight. Thank you for your kindn...

怎样才能写好一封求职信1. 使用专用的纸张,上端写有你的姓名、地址、和电话号码。你的简历要使用配套纸张——它能显示你的档次和职业风范。 2. 定做附信。附信专门致某个特定的个人。确何你有这个...

谁能为我写封诚恳点的求职信写这个的时候你应该点明你的目的。还有要表达的情感。 事实终归是事实。那个公司不看学历,文凭? 你好! 我是来自黑龙江的XXX 男 22岁。现在关于网络工程方面的都需要学历啊,CCNA...

求一封求职信。刚刚毕业一年展开全部 敬爱的领导: 您好!打扰了,我是工业学校工程测量专业即将毕业的学生,很荣幸学的专业符合您单位的需要,我希望在精力之际,找到一份适合自己的工作,充分的展现自己的才华,实现...

英文求职信的格式Dear sir or Madam: I am writing to you in the hope of that I may obtain opportunity of biomedical engineer in your company.According to the advertisement ,your...

大学英语求职信Dear ____, 第一段 自我介绍 I am writing to apply for the _______(职务) advertised in the ______(公司). As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my c...
