

12月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[简单的新年祝福英语]ONE GLASS WATER, ONE GLASS BEER, OH MY DEAR, “HAPPY NEW YEAR” 或者 My Wishes in 2010 God gives You… 12 Month of Happiness, 52 Weeks of Fun, 365 Days Success,...+阅读

英文:Dear leader,Hello!My name is dawn. I graduated from class 4, grade 07, university of north China.Today, with a calm and excited mood, I present this cover letter. Calm comes from self-confidence, as a fresh graduate from the social melting pot, I am confident to learn what I have learned and what I can do for you. The excitement is due to the transformation from the role of the student to the role of the social worker, and I will adapt, learn and return with the greatest advantage.As an English major, I love my major, in the four years of study life, I learned information including from the basis of knowledge of English (listening, speaking, reading and writing) to the translation and other aspects of practical application. In various related practices and internships with the course, I have some practical skills and technical experience. Now I have passed cet-4; Take a second foreign language and have a simple conversation in French; Familiar with basic computer operation, such as word,excel and powerpoint; Passed the mandarin test. I believe this knowledge will be of great help to me in my future work.I am easy-going and reserved. A great deal of social practice has made me confident and willing to participate in social competition. All you have to do is provide a stage, I will return with young life, vigorous vitality to return you a wonderful!Thank you very much for reading my cover letter and sincerely hope that your work is thriving!advance salute Dawn JingCheng 中文:尊敬的领导:您好!我叫黎明,毕业于北师大外语系07级4年制班。今天,怀着平静而又激动的心情,我呈上这份求职信。平静缘于自信,作为一个刚刚步入社会熔炉的毕业生,我有信心以自己所学与自己所能胜任您的工作;激动缘于年轻,从学生角色到社会工作者角色的转变,我将以最大的优势来适应、学习、回报。作为一名英语专业的学生,我热爱我的专业,在四年的学习生活中,我所学内容包括了从英语的基础知识(听、说、读、写)到实际运用的翻译等多方面。在与课程同步进行的各种相关实践和实习中,我具备了一定的实际操作能力和技术经验。现在我已顺利通过英语专业四级考试;选修第二外语法语,并能用法语进行简单的会话;熟悉计算机的基本操作,如word,excel,powerpoint;通过了普通话测试。我相信这些知识对我将来所从事的工作一定大有帮助。我性格随和,内敛稳重。大量的社会实践工作,使我变得自信,勇于参与社会竞争。您要做的只是提供一个舞台,我将以年轻的生命、蓬勃的朝气来还您一片精彩!最后感谢您百忙之中抽空阅读我的求职信,并衷心希望贵单位工作蒸蒸日上!此致 敬礼 黎明敬呈


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