

01月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[圣诞节有什么好的活动针对3到12的孩子及家长以英语为主最好]欢乐圣诞节Merry Christmas Party活动日期:12月24日(或23日、25日)活动时间:总长约1.5小时活动地点:能容纳100-200人左右的礼堂或幼儿园大教室参加人员:中、外籍教师,学员及其家长(...+阅读

As is obviously revealed in the bar chart above, over the past seven years (1998—2004), the proportion of free blood donation in clinical blood collection has been climbing and rocketed to over seventy percent in 2004, which is a welcome development to our whole society. The implied meaning of the bar chart above can be illustrated as follows. To begin with, the increasing percentage indicates that great changes have taken place in terms of people's spiritual civilization. Most people want to make contribution to our society in one way or another is a way to realize self-value. The spirit of selflessness is more pervasive than ever before. What's more, the statistics betray that modern people, especially the young, have a better understanding of medical knowledge. Most people have abandoned their old idea that blood donation is most harmful to human body. In one word, our spiritual progress and rich medical knowledge have resulted in such a positive result. In may view, effective measures should be taken to encourage free blood donation. First of all, a nation-vide education campaign should be launched to spread the necessity and knowledge of free blood donation. Besides, should be set up to protect those who donate blood. Only in this way can we create a harmonious and healthy society


财神节快乐。英语怎么说财神节快乐翻译为:Happy mammon's day. 1、Mammon 美['mæmən] n. 钱财(作为偶像或罪恶根源看的,常为贬义);财神;贪欲(等于mammon)。 例句:I would suggest that you specifically s...

关于教师节的英语图画手抄报Sep. l0th Wednesday Fine It is Teachers' Day on September 10th every year. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I think, because they teach us how to...

教师节的英语手抄报教师节祝福语 You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you. 您就像我们的家长,我们都敬爱您。 We all like having you as our teacher. You have our re...

教师节英语手抄报A compiled list of all the known dates on which Teachers' Day is celebrated throughout the world. Respect for Teachers and Learning - Teacher's Day In the histo...

动手制作教师节英语卡片吗工具:彩纸,剪刀,画笔,胶水等。方法: 1、先把贺卡的形状剪出来,把彩纸对破剪开,剪成大概4CM长。 2、把深色的彩纸剪个好看的形状,帖在浅色卡纸上。 3、把剪好的纸条卷成卷,一头胶水粘...

写一篇提倡无偿献血英语作文As is obviously revealed in the bar chart above, over the past seven years (1998—2004), the proportion of free blood donation in clinical blood collection has...

英语作文关于献血七十字左右In my view Blood donation is a good thing, one can promote the blood circulation, Accelerating the metabolism of the body! second, to contribute to the people o...

谁有150字的关于献血的英语作文呀无偿献血(Donating Blood) People's opinion about donating vary from person to person. Some people think it is a very good thing .They hold this opinion because it...

无偿献血的英文怎么说呢自愿献血:volunteer to give blood. 无偿献血:a blood donation without payment. 献血 a blood donation 志愿地;无偿地;义务地 Without payment;free of charge 志愿提供他们...
