
帮我写一份求职信英语的要有翻译应付考试的 100词左右

01月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语的作文感谢信的书写格式]A Letter of Thanks XXX(日期) Dear xx(名字) , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...+阅读






顺颂商祺!Job-seeking letter

Dear ladies or Sirs:

I hope I have chance to take full advantage of my working abilities to engage in more working. That is the main cause of quitting my current job. I am happy to hear that your company will recruit salespersons. So I am really devout to join your big family, in which I can realize my value. I had a college study in engineering. Since I started to work, I have undertaken two positions, technology and sale, in a long time period. I am confident that I have adequate working experience to compete the position your company provided.

Since 2004, I have engaged in sale. During that period, I have built nice relationships with my clients in every area I was in charge of. Also I learned more knowledge about my profession and the dealing ways about trade in my spare time.

I hold that perfect grouping and cooperation are the basic rule for employee; the working attitude without pretension and impatience is the best tool to complete tasks. Just base to this working idea and plenteous profession knowledge, I trust I can compete for this position. Furthermore, I would like to contribute my knowledge and energy to your company. I believe we will be proud of it.

If it is convenient, I would like to meet you in your office for more details.

Hope your company develops well.



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