

01月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求英语的生日祝福 100词左右外带翻译]Wishing you —— glad days filled with friendliness, bright days filled with cheer, warm days filled with happiness to last throughout the year! Have a wonderfu...+阅读

您好,首先感谢能在百忙中抽空阅读我的材料,希望能在贵公司得到一个锻炼的机会。Dear sir or madam, Thank you first for taking time to read my materials. I really hope to get an opportunity for practicing in your company.通过对贵公司的了解,本人诚意加入贵公司,希望成为贵公司的一员并愿意竭力为贵公司奉献自己的一份力量。From what I have learnt about your company, I sincerely desire to join your company as a member of your staff and try my best to contribute to the development of your company.我毕业于苏州农学院的食品科学专业,已经有近4年的工作经验,先后供职于3个公司。第一份工作是毕业前在江苏挺卫实业有限公司,担任品研处品管一职,主要工作是负责茶饮料的原料、辅料、材料的进厂验收,及对半成品、成品的理化和微生物检测,配合ISO9001和HACCP年审工作,等一系列的品质管理工作。Since I graduated from Suzhou Agricultural College with the major in Food Science, I have been working for 4 years and worked for 3 companies successively. My first job is quality assurance management of Product Research Dept. in Jiangsu Tingwei Industrial Co., Ltd., even before my graduation. There I was mainly responsible for receiving inspection of the raw materials, accessories and other materials for the tea beverages, for physical, chemical and biological testing of semi-finished and finished products, for assisting and coordinating the annual verification of ISO9001 and HACCP, as well as other series quality assurance related work.第二份工作是在上海大山合集团,担任质量管理部体系主管一职,主要负责ISO900

1、 ISO2200(HACCP) 、BRC、 HALAL认证审核工作,包括审核前准备、审核中陪同、审核后整改的一系列的完整流程。After that, I worked as QA System Supervior for Shanghai Dashanhe Group, in charge of quality cerfitication for such as ISO9001, ISO2200(HACCP), BRC and HALAL, including a complete process of pre-audit preparation, in-audit accompaniment and post-audit rectification.第三份工作是在宁波音王集团担任品质中心体系专员,主要负责ISO900

1、 ISO14001内、外部审核,跟进和验证不符合项的整改。负责体系文件的标准化管理、发行和回收,组织公司的内部审核管理并对内审员和车间主管进行培训。And then I worked as System Executive, QA Center in Ningbo Yinwang Group, in charge of internal and external audit for ISO9001 and ISO14001, follow-up and verification of non-conformity rectification, standardization management, dissemination and retrival of QA system documents, organization of interal audit and trainging on internal auditors as well as workshop heads.虽然我拥有4年的丰富工作经验,但是对于我来说这远远不够,还需要努力去学习工作中的不足与欠缺,希望贵公司能给我一个锻炼的机会,我会还您一份成绩。相信您的信任和我的实力,会带来共同的成功! Although I have already owned these 4-year working experience, it is far away for me to head for a long way. I still need to work harder to rectify my shorts and disadvantages. I am eager to have this opportunity to be given by you and you will deserve my contribution and achievements. I believe your trust and my capabilities will lead to a win-win success.


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