

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[春节的来历英文版]英文版:The lunar calendar new year origin, has the basis, also is rich and picks the varied fable to be possible to trace to several millenniums before; Most is...+阅读

Dear teacher:

Sorry to bother you.

Since I had a bad cold,I feel very uncomfortable,I don't think I can go to class tomorrow,so I ask for one-day sick leave for tomorrow.I would attend the class as soon as I feel better.

Thank you in advance!

Sincerely yours:


大学生正确的英文假条格式一、假条的上方应该按照正式的格式写上如下信息: To:假条是递给谁的 From:请假人 Date:写假条的日期(注意不是请假的日期) Subject:写上请假字样 例如: To: Peter Stone, From: Lynn...

求写英文感恩节祝福邮件英语达人们帮帮俺吧Dear Mr. ### Happy Thanksgiving Day! Thanks very much for your persistent trust and support. We are ready to sincerely cooperate with you hand in hand for a glo...

一工人因病请假英文假条Februray 13,2012Dear Manager, Please excuse my absence from work today, because I got a bad cold yesterday evening . I felt even worse this morning. Therefore,...

用英语写请假条谁能帮帮我急急急Dear teachers becky I because of sore throat, stuffy nose, can not go to class, need to see a doctor. So last Wednesday morning not to the English classes, the...

求豫园英文导游词上海豫园,可以62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333231623032看看了:)~ Yuyuan Garden 豫园 Yuyuan Garden is northeast of the Old Town. A high official had it design...

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豫园中英文简介拜托急用!Yu Garden is a famous garden of classical style in the south of the Yangtze River. Initially built under the reign of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty and up to now...

用英语怎么写请假条(老师,我今天身体略有不适。上午去看医生,医生嘱咐我要休息两天。并需按时服药,放松,因此我希望请2天假修养身子,对于功课我会尽快赶上的.)Teacher, I physically slight discomfor...
