

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求写英文感恩节祝福邮件英语达人们帮帮俺吧]Dear Mr. ### Happy Thanksgiving Day! Thanks very much for your persistent trust and support. We are ready to sincerely cooperate with you hand in hand for a glo...+阅读

heh ..我也是在网上找的。。。。

(中文)、新学期将来临,我们又站在了一个新的起点,面临着更大的挑战,我深知,这条路不好走,但是,我们一旦掌握了这其中的诀窍,那等待我们的就是精彩美好的明天,为了自己在以后的学习中能够有正确的方向,我定了一个学习计划。 首先,要有自信心,自信是成功的第一秘诀,无论在生活,还是在学习中,自信 是至关重要的,不管明天怎样,但今天已经到来,把握今天才是最明智的选择,不管自己与别人有多大的差距,但是,步入第二学期,又是一个新的开始,相信自己始终能成功。

(上面的英文)A new semester approaching, we stand on a new starting point, faced with greater challenges, I am well aware that this is not an easy way to take, but Once we mastered the knack of this, it is exciting to wait for the better tomorrow. After the study, in order to have a correct direction, I devised a study plan. First, there must be confidence, confidence is the first secret of success, both in life and in learning, self-confidence is crucial. No matter how tomorrow, but today has come, grasp this is the most sensible choice. No matter how great the gap between themselves and others, but to enter the second semester, and it is a new beginning, always believe they can be successful.


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