
如何写英语求职信:Cover Letter

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[假定你是李华最近你校正在举办和谐校园为主题的英语文化节]Harmony is the common feature of all the beautiful things. Achieve harmony and to build a harmonious and civilized campus environment will be an eternal theme....+阅读

如果你自己是一件商品的话,那么你的英文求职信,就是一封把你自己推销出去的商业信函。求职信不可抄袭网上千篇一律的东西,不但要写出自己的特点,还要根据应聘的公司有一定的针对性,这样才能吸引住招聘者的目光。下面就介绍一下写求职信的要点和注意事项,希望对渴望找到一份理想工作的你有所帮助。 ······Writing a cover letter can be a daunting task. These tips should help make it a little easier: ·Direct your letter to the decision-maker of the organization. ·Write a short, concise letter (2-3 paragraphs at most). ·Type the letter and envelope. ·Sign your name. ·Use standard English. ·Double-check your spelling and grammar. ·Use standard white paper. ·Keep a copy of everything you send to each organization. ·Follow up with a phone call after three business days. Besides, there are several Cover Letter Dos and Don'ts you should keep in mind. Dos: ·Include the person's full name, title, company name, and company address. ·Include your full name, address, and contact information. ·Use a formal greeting, such as Mr., Ms., Dr. ·Center your margins. ·Follow up after three business days. ·Mention how you found out about the position. ·Be upbeat and creative--make your letter stand out. ·Keep copies of everything you send. Don'ts: ·Don't write a long letter--shorter is better. ·Don't address the person by first name unless you know him or her personally and have permission to do so. ·Don't forget to personally sign the letter. ·Don't forget to check grammar and spelling. ·Don't use flashy stationery (花花绿绿的信纸) (unless you're applying for a highly creative job). ·Don't use slang. [责任编辑:judycai]


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