

02月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一篇英语感谢信题目如下]Hello, Mr Smith and Mrs,Smith! I am writing to thank you for inviting me to your house. I feel very glad and my staying with your whole family made me feel very...+阅读

i am so glad to hear that you are addmited by XXX university.And i knew that XXX university is one of the most best and top university in your provience.I hope you can enjoy the school life and work hard on your study like the time you were in middle school.As long as you work hard enough,you can get high marks in the exams,please try your best to do it.i hope you can have a bright future


英语写一封感谢信。十万火急。谢谢高分Dear Ruben, I am writing this letter to show my appreciation for your kindness during my 3 months staying at Seattle. You have been taken very good care of me....

感谢信英语作文Dear First Name, (or Mr./Ms. Last Name)熟的用Dear 名字,不熟用Mr./Ms. 姓,自来熟/装熟用前者。Thank you for holding my birthday party and singing the song. I really...


怎么样写感谢信的英语作文Thank You For Interview Me Dear (Bosss Name), I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (Company Name). I...


给做生意朋友的祝福语1、生意兴隆,在礼炮声中绽放,顾客盈门,在鲜花中簇拥,财源滚滚,在我的祝福短信里涌出,祝你事业如日中天,财神爷爷追你跑。 2、人生一条路,开店走大路,自我来掌舵,方向多把握,明天有辉煌,...

绿色出行英语作文的倡议书Saving from now on Dear teachers and schoolmates, We are sorry to aee much waste in our school!e68a84e8a2ade79fa5e9819331333335333739 There are many taps left o...

祝贺朋友的孩子考上大学的贺词怎么写一、欣闻贵公子如愿登科,可喜可贺! 二、所有的辛劳,今天结出了硕果,所有的汗水,今天都可以用喜悦的泪水来稀释。衷心祝贺***(小孩名字)考取大学,这是你们的骄傲,也是我们大家的快事,希...

怎样写一封祝贺朋友考上大学的英文信Dear Mr. Liu, Your academic performance in the courses you completed in Fall 2007 indicates that you have done well, and we are pleased to see that yourGrade Po...
