

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[倡导文明祭祀共建绿色家园。作文怎么写]保护绿色家园倡导文明祭祀 每年清明节祭奠活动中发生的火灾不在少数,有的甚至造成了重大损失。2010年3月12日9时许,辽宁省大连市保税区二十里堡街道钟家村村民钟某,来到钟家村...+阅读

The 29th Olympic Games was a great dream of the Chinese nation.For a century,so many people have been working hard at it.Finally,with the joint effort of the whole Chinese nation,we made this dream come true in year 2008.And surprisingly,we won the game completely.All the Chinese people are so proud of our geart nation.We will be working much harder with the spirit of the Olympic Games and make our country much more beautiful Everybody knows that we have only one earth on which we share with different kinds of animals and plants.With the development of the industry,we, the human beings, have produced more and more pollutions whci are harmful to the animals,plants and ourselves as well.The most serious problem that we have to face is that the earth is being destroyed by our so-called civilizations.Sometimes,you may find we are having more and more natural disasters on the earth.That is why some countries,like America,has begun to explore the Mars and the other planets.Remember,to save the earth is to save ourselves.


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帮忙找一篇倡导人们加强公德意识遵守社会公德的倡议书谢谢尊敬的社会公民: 你们好! 伟大的中华民族自古就是礼仪之邦,有着上下五千年的文明史,曾创造出许许多多举世瞩目的文明成果;皇皇华夏,集聚五十六个民族,有着丰富的人文资源,对世界文明...

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