

02月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[老师生病想写封英文慰问信几句话就行谢了!]Dear XX: I am sorry to hear that you have been sick. In our daily lives, you have given us too much love and care sometimes regardless of your self. For us you...+阅读

英文书信中的表示感谢As soon as I opened your package, I felt that I must sit right down and tell you...一打开您寄来的包裹,就觉得应该立即写信致谢。I just wish you could have seen ...我愿您知道……You were kind to send a gift ...承蒙好意,送来礼品……Your lovely gift came this morning(was waiting for us when)...厚礼于今早收到(当……,厚礼正等我们去拿)Expected gifts are a pleasure to receive, but unexpected remembrances are an even greater joy.意中之礼物果然可喜,而意外中之礼物更使人喜出望外。You couldn't have given me anything that I wanted (would enjoy) more.再没有比您的礼物更为我所想要的了。(更能使我喜欢了)...


某旅行社正在招聘兼职英语导游要求用英文书写求职信哪位大神帮日期 收信人姓名 旅行社名称 地址 Dear Mr/ Miss XX: I am writing to express my strong interested in working at旅行社名称 as a tour guide . (I believe my travel an...

圣诞节英文贺卡祝福1、May peace and love be your gift at Christmas and always! 在圣诞节和永远献上和平与爱! 2、May the joy and warmth of Christmas fill your home with happiness. 愿...

英文求职信急!急!急!Dear Sirs/Madams, Hello! Firstly I'd like to thank you for making time to read my application material. I am Zhang-----, a graduating student in 2008, majoring...

写一封英文求职信高手进Dear sir or madame, I am a college student from Yangtzeu University and I will graduate from this university soon.My name is Zeng Qing,majoring in Computer Scie...

五四青年节汉语和英文简介1、汉语简介 五四青年节源于中国1919年反帝爱国的“五四运动”,五四爱国运动是一次彻底的反对帝国主义和封建主义的爱国运动,也是中国新民主主义革命的开始。1939年,陕甘宁边区...

英文书信开头怎么写Dear xxx, It's been a while since I last hear from you. I hope you're doing well. 接下去就可以进入正文了 结尾 Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best reg...

力求新年贺卡上的祝福语是英文的!I thank you for the concern and care, people still, the thing still, and year. Think all right, too, this is ordinary forget, The son is good, Ming better, and...

关于春节的英文1.恭喜发财(刘德华) 2.恭喜恭喜(中国娃娃) 3.恭喜发财(卓依婷) 4.欢乐中国年(孙悦) 5.新年快乐(中国娃娃) 6.小拜年(东北二人转) 7.新年歌曲联唱(高胜美) 8.财神来到我家门(卓依婷) 9.祝福你...

澳大利亚有什么大的节日可以放长假的。留学生也放假的1月26日 —— 澳大利亚日 =australia day 3月28日-3月31日 —— 耶稣受难节和复活节星期一 easter and easter monday 4月25日 —— 澳新军团纪念日=anzac day Anzac 天在新...
