

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[第二十一个教师节慰问信]第二十一个教师节慰问信 敬爱的老师们: 丹桂飘香,秋菊逸彩,金风又送喜讯:第二十一个教师节来临了!值此佳节来临之际,我们代表全校四千余学子把最衷心的祝愿与最诚挚的慰问以最深情...+阅读

Dear John,

Are you alright now? I am sorry about this accident. Me and my husband were both shocked when we heard about it and we feel deeply sorry for you. I ask for your pardon that we don't have time to visit you. We are really busy at the moment because of our new child. If you need any help just call us, we will offer whatever help we can do.

From the Smith family.


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英文慰问信怎么写什么格式Dear *; I was sorry to hear that you got hurt in a sudden traffic accident.How are you now?Are you getting any better? I guess you must be very sad now.you must...

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慰问信怎么写慰问信怎么写啊我是参考如下地址的: 内容如下:慰问信是组织、部分群众以及某个人向有关集体、个人表示慰劳、问候、致意的书信。所谓有关集体或个人,可以分作两类,一类是在“两个文明”建设中...
