

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[招募助残志愿者倡议书]招募助残志愿者倡议书 从即日起,全市残联系统面向社会招募志愿者,无论你是一位在职工作者,还是一位退休在家的居民,只要你有爱心,都可以加入到关爱残疾人志愿服务行列中来。 志愿...+阅读

A Letter of ApplicationDear Sir or Madam,Learning the news from the official channel of the Organizing Committee of 29th Olympic Games that Beijing Olympia has commenced/started to recruit volunteers, I am writing this letter to / I would like to forward a formal application to become one volunteer. Being a extroverted (外向的)/confident and optimistic boy, I am now a sophomore in Beijing University majoring in English. A good mastery of the first Olympic official language and two years work experience as the minister of the publicity / propaganda department (宣传部)in the student union have qualify me to be a good helper to others and a even better one when I graduate in 2008. Furthermore I have been keen on sports and worshiped(崇尚) the Olympic slogan (口号)which advocate to be higher, faster and stronger which will also enable me to get devoted to the voluntary work. All in all, I am very confident to be a competent volunteer, a job both challenging and rewarding. I would be highly appreciated in case that you can consider my application favorably and forward me with the details for the application at your earliest convenience. Awaiting your reply. / Looking forward to your reply.Enclosure: Curricular Vitae。



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