
下星期五是世界读书日请你根据下面的提示写一篇80 100词的倡

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[根据下面的招聘广告帮忙写一封应聘信]***(敬语)的________, 第一部分:写明你要申请的职位和你是如何得知该职位的招聘信息的。 例如: A:获知贵公司199__年10月__日在_____报上招聘_______的信息后,我寄上简历敬请斟酌。...+阅读


Dear fellow students,

It is World Reading Day next Friday. As a student, I hope that all of us can read more good books.

As is known to us all, books are sources of knowledge, and knowledge is power. Reading books can make us cleverer and have more wisom. It can help us not only get more knowledge but also grow up more happily.

Of course, surfing the Internet and watching TV can also open our eyes. But like shopping, they will take up too much of our valuable time. Only reading books can give me much useful information as well as think actively.

So I'm here again to call on all of us to go to libraries, read more books and read good books.




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