

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[19年财务管理专业中文英文求职信]beloved leaders: hello! first of all, i sincerely appreciate your taking the time in his busy schedule to read my letter of the ordinary job-seekers. ordinary j...+阅读

Your Adress (你的地址) Your Phone Number (电话)Your Email (电子邮件地址)Date (日期)Company (求职公司名字)Address (地址) Dear Sir/Madam,(已知姓名更好) I am interested in the accountant position(会计职位) at your company. Your company has been recommended to me as one of most highly regarded corporate in the industry. I would be interested in learning more about the company and about any potential available opportunities. I have a Bachelor's Degree in XXX from XXX University. In addition, I completed two internships focusing on finance and spent a summer work for XXX Corporation at XXX. My resume, which is enclosed, contains additional information on my experience and skills. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the possibility with you and to provide further information on my candidacy. I can be reached via my cell phone, 555-555-5555 or by email at bbbbgmail.com. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this exciting opportunity. Sincerely, Your Signature(你的签名) Your Typed Name (你打印的名字)大概就是120字,没有把每句的英文写出来。既然是你的英语作业,你读起来,应该没问题。


帮忙翻译一份英文求职信Distinguished sets personnel managers you : I am a soon to be university graduates in the recruitment of personnel to see your online recruitment company MDP pa...

有关求职信的英文翻译我深知在当今科学技术飞速发展的时代里,每一个人都必须树立终身学习的观念。 I believe it is necessary for everyone to constitute the concept that learn from birth to...

急求英文短诗关于感恩的附中文翻译!When I am down and, my soul so weary; When troubles come and my heart burdened be; Then, I am still and wait here in the silence, Until you come and sit awhile...

我要一个关于感恩的英文诗歌要带中文翻译适合五年级生我来自偶然像一颗尘土 有谁看出我的脆弱 我来自何方我情归何处 谁在下一刻呼唤我 天地虽宽这条路却难走 我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦 我还有多少爱我还有多少泪 要苍天知道我不认...

关于中秋节的英语小短文要有中文翻译The moon definitely spins countless legends throughout the ages. Of course, the most famous legend is the one surrounding the "lady living in the moon" that dates...

求一片求职信的英文翻译Respected leaders: Hello! First, please allow me to extend my sincere greetings to you and best wishes! My heartfelt thanks to you I read his busy schedule of t...

奔驰梅赛德斯在电视上的英文广告词中文翻译Mr. Daimler, Mr. Daimler. You are working too much. Maybe, but I've made a promise. The promise to build the world's frist automobile, and never to stop bring i...


紧急!帮忙把中文求职信翻译成英文求职信First of all, let me give you my sincere greetings and best wishes! My heartfelt thanks to you I am busy reading this material, and wish your organization the c...
