

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[如何写英文慰问信]英文慰问信【1】 Dear Mrs. Corbin, I was so sorry to learn of your illness. You must hurry and get well!Everybody in the neighborhood misses you, and were all ho...+阅读

Dear *; I was sorry to hear that you got hurt in a sudden traffic accident.How are you now?Are you getting any better? I guess you must be very sad now.you must you are the most unlucky one in the world.Never think so!Everyone will come across some difficulties in his life.Just look it as a chanllege!Take it easy and stay happy. Hope to get better soon. Yours sincerely


慰问信英文的怎么写Letters of consolation DearXXX: Travel time, living in your house, and can get you a warm hospitality and help, I feel especially happiness and play are particu...

英文慰问信The disaster area children: How are you, I am a high school student. May 12 Wenchuan the earthquake disaster has brought you, your home has become a ruin, I was...

怎么用英文写一封慰问信Dear *; I was sorry to hear that you got hurt in a sudden traffic accident.How are you now?Are you getting any better? I guess you must be very sad now.you must...

英文慰问信怎么写什么格式Dear *; I was sorry to hear that you got hurt in a sudden traffic accident.How are you now?Are you getting any better? I guess you must be very sad now.you must...

谁能帮忙写封英文慰问信Dear Bob, Since I heard that you were sick and in hospital, I have been very worried. How are you feeling now? Are you doing any better? I hope I can visit you...

慰问信怎么写慰问信怎么写啊我是参考如下地址的: 内容如下:慰问信是组织、部分群众以及某个人向有关集体、个人表示慰劳、问候、致意的书信。所谓有关集体或个人,可以分作两类,一类是在“两个文明”建设中...

慰问信咋写只要格式亲爱的朋友 你好! 前几天你们哪里发生了7.8级强烈地震,使一些学校的校舍遭到严重损害,甚至有的学校瞬间变成了一片废墟,再也看不到你们当中一些小朋友的音容笑貌和一些可亲可敬...

写一个英文慰问信Dear John, Are you alright now? I am sorry about this accident. Me and my husband were both shocked when we heard about it and we feel deeply sorry for you. I a...

