

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[爱心捐款倡议书]亲爱的老师、同学们: 你们好! 就在我们昂首挺胸,充满朝气地迎接新学期生活时,一个令我们心情沉重的信息传来:我们师范学院的赖荣照同学因患急性淋巴白血病(俗称血癌)而暂时离开了他...+阅读

Plus support one side are difficult to surmount earthquake relief -- At 14:28 on May 12, occurred in Wenchuan County, Sichuan's 7.8 magnitude quake has resulted in Sichuan, Gansu, and Chongqing, Yunnan, and so on the ground million casualties. Tens of thousands of houses were destroyed and displaced hundreds of thousands of Chinese people, a strong earthquake disaster areas moment people lost their homes and the original and stable life, to bring a great disaster. Human life is precious, watching countless homeless people, watching the rising number of casualties, everyone's hearts will be filled boundless grief and Strickland sigh. The current crisis, every Chinese person was also deeply affect the heart, because of common concerns related to each other. Not only in government action; Red Cross in action; people are on the move! The friendly people in the world in action! People everywhere have an emergency action, some contributions; some money and materials; some donors…… Colleagues, extend your helping hand to join the ranks of the Disaster Relief! Maybe you're the one yuan of money to maintain their life will become a bottle of water or a biscuit, perhaps your money will be 100 yuan a bottle of retaining their life or a pharmaceutical medical equipment, you will love the warmth of a In distress among the victims in Wenchuan County, Sichuan, so that their life's most difficult time, the hope of seeing life, to see human well-being! Love, because of moving and beautiful! Life, because of mutual aid and wonderful!



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