[爱心捐款倡议书]亲爱的老师、同学们: 你们好! 就在我们昂首挺胸,充满朝气地迎接新学期生活时,一个令我们心情沉重的信息传来:我们师范学院的赖荣照同学因患急性淋巴白血病(俗称血癌)而暂时离开了他...+阅读
Let love moist southwest drought areas people heart
- drought disaster area relief donations for southwest in suzhou
At present, China's southwest region, the area for local people continuous dry, daily life, economic development is influenced. The people of disaster areas is coming under drought of suffering, the urgent need to help us. In order to alleviate people's drought the loss caused by calling for the Red Cross, the district government agencies enterprises and institutions and the social from all walks of the southwest area to lend a helping hand, for the people in the area, in order to offer the compassion donation practical action to help disaster people get through. Let love be sings adequate water, remit to crack of land, let our each donate GuGu limpid stream into the hearts of the people of disaster areas, moist.
District Red Cross donation hotlines specific as follows:
Phone: 89162016 donations 89161335 (24 hours, open)
Donation address: hangzhou yuhang district on the second floor of the Red Cross (area), bureau of general temple street linping get 36th
The acceptance time: open 24 hours a day
Donation account: 33001617435056008696
Household name: hangzhou yuhang district Red Cross
Bank: construction bank yuhang branch
Yuhang district Red Cross
Area radio and television stations, area of news media center
May29, 2011
疾病捐款倡议书疾病捐款倡议书范文由管理资料网整理,捐款倡议是一种社会组织对外号召更多人加入的活动,号召有爱人士来参与。 疾病捐款倡议书范文 社会各界爱心人士: 拥有健康和快乐是我们每...
英语捐款倡议书Ladies,gentlement,children,granddad and everyone who he much love in your hearts,when you are drinking coffee in a bar,when you are paying to play games in a pa...
火灾捐款倡议书火灾捐款倡议书 各位朋友、各位爱心人士: 大家好! 当我们正当与朋友纵情高歌、放声欢笑,与家人其乐融融、共享天伦之时,家住土桥路的复员士官管理资料下载却正在遭受灾难的折磨,...
捐款倡议书扶贫济困 爱心助学捐款倡议书 敬爱的老师们、亲爱的同学们: 当我们在教室聆听时,当我们在校园玩游戏时,你是否知道,在你我身边,与我们共沐阳光、拥有同样天空的一些同学,因种种原...
轻松筹上的捐款词捐款倡议书怎么写你好楼主! 给你一篇例文供你参考: 治病捐款倡议书 亲爱的老师、同学们: 六月里的校园,紧张而又充满惬意,或许您现在文化广场感受阳光的明媚,或许您在课室享受着读书的快乐,就在您感...
求:为贫困生捐款的倡议书及方案扶贫助学倡议书 尊敬的各位家长: 您好! 首先感谢您一直以来对我校各项工作的关注与支持。 自我校扶贫助学基金会成立以来,每学年资助了100余名优秀的贫困生,资助款每年达三万多...
宗亲捐款倡议书救助脑病患者XXX同学骨髓移捐款倡议书 尊敬的老师们,同学们 2010年X月XX日XX级学生XXX同学确诊为脑瘤,自我们发起对XXX同学募捐活动以来,许多得知此事的学校领导、老师和同学们...