

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁能帮我找个农业普查先进个人的材料啊]一、范围和对象 1、先进集体:全市县以下的农业普查机构。 2、先进个人:全市县以下农业普查机构的工作人员和普查员、普查指导员。 二、评比条件 1、先进集体 〈1〉领导重视、...+阅读

Dear students: May 12 at 14:28, Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province experienced a rare 8.0 earthquake. To Wenchuan as the center of the surrounding area has also been seriously affected. The earthquake disaster affects the hearts of the people throughout the country, but also affects our hearts. After the disaster, we learned about the school seriously Sichuan Ji teachers and students of every family, to care for and condolences to the emotional stability of the teachers and students. To the people of disaster areas to express our deep concern, teachers and students in the student union initiatives in disaster relief contributions for activities. Specific ways: Time: 5.14 to 5.16, on the afternoon Location: Office of the faculty in the donation box In the rubble to save lives, help and comfort of our living is the obligation of every Chinese people, is the common responsibility of society as a whole. Hope that the majority of teachers and students to the disaster area extending a helping hand, a dedication of love. Disaster areas to help people overcome the disaster and ride out the storm, thank you all!


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