

04月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[2013年的国庆节放几天假]国庆节放假安排:2013年10月1日至10月7日放假,共7天。其中10月1日(星期二)、10月2日(星期三)、10月3日(星期四)为国庆节法定节假日, 10月5日(星期六)、10月6日(星期日)公休、9月28日(星期六...+阅读


1 你国庆节放几天假? / 我们放假8天

How many days off you got in the National Day? We have 8 days off int he National Day.

2 他打算请几天假 去上海旅游

He is plan to take a few days leave and go travel to Shang Hai.

3 公司有一位同事 请假了 / 请了3天假, 所以我临时过来替他一下。

One of the colleague has 3 days leave, therefore I am here to replace him temporary.

4 用不了多久,你就知道事情的真相了

It will not be long before you know the truth,

5 我们走了不到 一半的路程 / 不到3分之一的路程

We only walked less than haly way!/ less than one third of the way.


We walked the whole way

6 他们走了多久了? / 他们已经走了多远了?(问路程距离)

How long have they gone? How far have they gone?

7 他们刚刚走 / 他们刚走大约15分钟 / 他们刚走不到10分钟

They have just gone. They went about 15 minuts. They just went less than 10 minuts

8 我们已经走了20分钟了 / 我们已经走了总时间的一半了

We have walked 20 minuts. We have walked over half of the total time was spent.

9 我们已经走了50公里 / 我们开车行驶了50公里

We already walked 50 miles. We drived 50 miles

10 你圣诞节放几天假?/ 我们国庆节放假7天 / 我们圣诞节放假1天

How many days you have for Christmas vacation?

We got 7 days of the National Day

We have one day off for the Christmas Day


I went to my cousin's house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said she's worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby.My cousin told me that he'll educate his child in a severe way,with a future father's matureness.I'm happy for them.:) Yesterday,our research school's soccer team had a match with the graduate students from the department of international business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,so,we lost the game. Half of the National Day holidays have passed by...life still goes with good and bad tim 中国的传统节日:国庆节 National Day 五一节 May Day 春节 Spring Festival 新年 New Year's Day

用英语说明国庆节节日假期给你推荐个网址 haodian123.com上面经常推荐当季最流行的衣服, 包包,鞋子等,我经常去逛逛,真的很实用,省去我很多时间,以前我都是漫无目的的到处找资料,不知道穿什么,怎么搭配服饰好,上面的搭配技巧很实用,有达人的超级经验分享,总结的详细购物步骤和购物心得,肯定对你穿衣,购物有很大帮助!



I have National Holidays.


Protect our Nature

Thesis: it is our duty to protect the nature we are living in.


A. In the past, the world was the home for many species, but most of which had disappeared.

B. Right now we are still doing many terrible things to damage the nature.

1. in order to improve our economy, we are polluting the rivers.

2. in order to meet our diet, we are killing some rare animals.

3. in order to gain monopoly, we are having wars, even nuclear wars.

C. Right now we have a lot of damages on the earth.

1. o-zone is getting big

2. the world is heatting up

Conclusion: we need to protect our nature for us and for our generations to come.



On October 1st 2009 all Chinese people were excited because it was our nation's 60th birthday ,To organize our school learn to sing patriotic songs, learn more about our older generation of revolutionary martyrs, the glorious history of struggle, accept patriotic education and training of our national pride.Walking in the street, I found that Our cities are becoming more and more beautiful.So, I see the vast land, the sons and daughters in between heaven and earth sing. Celebrating the birthday of the motherland 60 years of age, to the name of the Republic of children, to pay tribute to the motherland, in order to bless the motherThe 60th anniversary of National Day celebrations brought us tremendous shock。We must study hard in order to repay the motherland of our culture!不知道你上什么学,大概就是这个意思,还有我不知道闭门学校组织了什么活动,就按我的意思写了一些,如果有需要我再补充。


国庆节放几天假准确英语怎么说1 你国庆节放几天假? / 我们放假8天 How many days off you got in the National Day? We have 8 days off int he National Day. 2 他打算请几天假 去上海旅游 He is plan t...


2014国庆节放几天假2014年的国庆节放假时间是10月1日至7日,黄金周也还是原来的黄金周 2014年国庆节放假安排,休息一天。9月28日(星期日)。 根据国务院最新发布的关于《2014年部分节假日安排的通知...

初中生国庆节放几天假初三3天 初一初二7天国庆节:9月29日—10月5日放假7天。其中,10月1日、2日、3日,为法定节假日,9月27日(星期六)、9月28日(星期日)两个公休日调至9月29日(星期一)、30日(星期二),9月27日(星...

2014的节假日有哪些?各放几天假?初中生放几天2014放假安排: 一、元旦:1月1日放假1天。 二、春节:1月31日至2月6日放假调休,共7天。1月26日(星期日)、2月8日(星期六)上班。 三、清明节:4月5日放假,4月7日(星期一)补休。 四、劳动节:5...

国家规定的今年国庆节放几天假今年国庆节放假时间为9月29日—10月5日,共7天。 其中,10月1日(星期三)、10月2日(星期四)、10月3日(星期五)为法定节假日,9月27日(星期六)、9月28日(星期日)两个公休日调至9月29日(星期一)、...

今年国庆节放几天假小学放几天假都是七天 月到中秋分外明,又是一年团圆日。国务院已经公布了2014年中秋节放假安排时间表,一共放假了三天。但是万年历的小编发现有很多的市民并不知道2014中秋节法定假日是几...

国庆节放几天假根据国务院办公厅通知精神,现将2010年中秋节、国庆节放假安排通知如下: 中秋节:9月22日(星期三,中秋节)至24日(星期五)放假调休,共3天。9月19日(星期日)、25日(星期六)上班。 国庆节:10月1...

