

04月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于三八妇女节的对联]凤毛春济美 麟趾贵呈祥 良辰三八节 妇女半边天 三八宏图展 九州春意浓 昔日女界多贡献 当今巾帼再攀登 壮志结成四化美 红心顶起半边天 为妇女扬眉吐气 与男儿并驾争雄 祖国...+阅读


International Women's Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by women's groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. When women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their Day, they can look back to a tradition that represents at least nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.



英语中用来形容女孩子的字眼也不少, 但跟中文比起来就真的是小巫见大巫了。不知道那种语言里还有更多的语汇来形容美女。今天三八妇女节教你如何用英语形容女人。 1. 天姿国色:one can use heavenly beauty (e.g, She is a heavenly beauty/ she is heavenly/She is heavenly beautiful), angelic, unearthly (e.g. unearthly beautiful), and goddess (as in “She is a goddess.”) Similar to 天姿国色 and 独一无二, 无以伦比, words that come to mind at the spur of the moment include unique, one-of-a-kind, unsurpassing/unsurpassable, has no equal, unequaled, incomparable, unmatched/unmatchable, second to none, and unrivaled. 例如:Her beauty is unequaled/unmatchable/unique in all the land. 注意:把天姿国色译成 “ surpassing beauty.”或“ Reigning beauty” 是错的。 2. 沉鱼落雁:Drop-dead gorgeous. Drop-dead means extremely. (=You can die on the spot due to the shock of seeing such stunning beauty.) A face one could die for, stunning/Stunningly beautiful. 注意:“ She could charm the birds from the trees” 的意思并不是她有沉鱼落雁之容,而是她能用甜蜜的嗓音、话语劝说小鸟从树上落下,或者她有魔法让小鸟从树上落下的意思。

“…beauty to shut out the moon …make fish sink and geese settle…” are good translations, but not what we are looking for here. 3. 倾国倾城.:"The face that launched a thousand ships" is a reference to Helen of Troy in Homer's Iliad. 荷马史诗中的 特洛伊的海伦.In the Epic, Helen is the femme-fatale that caused the fall of Troy. (femme-fatale 致命的女人 or 红颜祸水. ) 例如: She has a face that could launch a thousand ships. 4. 秀色可餐:可用 “she is a dish”, although that is considered rather vulgar. 其他说法:delectable, luscious, mouth-watering, 5. 养眼:a feast for the eyes/ a sight for sore eyes 6. 出水芙蓉: Venus rising from the sea.(also known as: Venus on a half shell) 7. 她很丰满 :There are lots of English words for that! 例如:She is stacked/ well stacked. 这是俚语,在正式场合中最好避免使用。

其他说法:She has a great figure/an hourglass figure. She is curvaceous, well-built, well-proportioned, shapely, statuesque,… 8. 秀气,高雅,有气质:elegant, classy, refined, graceful, cultured, chic, majestic, exquisite, polished… 9. 性感 :sexy, sensual, sensuous, seductive, hot, titillating, erotic, voluptuous 副词形容程度: 1. She is a woman of uncompromising beauty and elegance. Uncompromising. adj. Unwilling to grant concessions or negotiate; inflexible 不妥协的, 强硬的, 不让步的 In the context above, it means 100%. 2. She is hauntingly beautiful. Haunting adj. Continually recurring to the mind; unforgettable: a haunting melody. 常浮现于脑海中的, 不易忘怀的 其他相关说法: Captivating To attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence 迷住, Ravishing Extremely attractive; entrancing.令人陶醉的, 迷人的, 引人入胜的 Enchanting To attract and delight; entrance. 使迷惑 Bewitching To captivate completely; entrance.使销魂, 使陶醉 Stunning Of a strikingly attractive appearance.足以使人晕倒的, Lovely 可爱的, 美女 Charming alluring or pleasing吸引力, 魅力,推荐阅读:关于三八妇女节的英语作文(中英对照)三八妇女节的由来 英文版


产生背景: 英、法等国资本主义大工业的迅速发展,为妇女运动的产生提供了经济条件,19世纪30-40年代,英、法等国进入62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333431343063到机器工业大发展的阶段,以大机器为主体的工厂制度代替了工场手工业制度,社会生产力得到迅速而巨大的发展;资产阶级革命在各国取得胜利,为妇女运动的产生提供了政治条件,妇女积极参加了本国资产阶级革命运动,妇女运动伴随着资产阶级革命而开始兴起;文艺复兴运动,宗教改革运动和启蒙运动中的“自由”、“平等”、“天赋人权”思想为妇女运动的产生提供了思想条件,如美国的《独立宣言》和法国的《人权宣言》,启发了妇女争取平等权利斗争的觉悟,是妇女运动产生的直接思想根源和理论基础。在产业革命的影响下,先进女性冲破中世纪以来的封建束缚,走向社会,拥有与男子同等抗衡的社会分量。

然而,新兴的男权政客依然蔑视妇女,于是她们开始了争取平等权利的斗争。 1910年8月,在丹麦首都哥本哈根召开了国际社会主义者第二次妇女代表大会。出席会议的有17个国家的代表,会议讨论的主要问题是反对帝国主义扩军备战,保卫世界和平;同时还讨论了保护妇女儿童的权利,争取8小时工作制和妇女选举权问题。领导这次会议的著名德国社会主义革命家、杰出的共产主义战士克拉拉·蔡特金倡议,以每年的3月8日作为全世界妇女的斗争日,得到与会代表的一致拥护。从此以后,“三八”妇女节就成为世界妇女争取权利、争取解放的节日。三八妇女节百科...


In many companies in China, female employees enjoy half day off on March 8. So does the girls in my office. It was quiet in the afternoon, and the conference rooms are free. I thought: maybe part of the design to have half day off only for women is to remind the rest in the office of the importance of women. Just kidding. I dressed up in suite today, and stood at the entrance of office to hand out cut flowers to every single female employees in the morning with other managers. I like the program designed by the admin team very much. It is a different Women's day, for girls and for me.Anyway, it is a good day to have. Happy Women's Day....


关于三八妇女节作文关于三八妇女节作文 关于三八妇女节作文【1】 妈妈,您对我的爱,是一滴滴润物细无声的露珠,是一缕缕清爽怡人的春风,是一串串拔动心弦的音符,是一次次感动生命的诗句。 它充盈着爱...

关于三八妇女节的意义关于三八妇女节的意义就是为大家介绍的关于妇女节的诞生及其意义,请看下面: 很多人多知道三月八号是国际妇女节,却不知道妇女节的由来。 任何节日都有其纪念意义,妇女节自然也是...


三八妇女节用英语怎么说三八妇女节的英文:Women's Day。 重点词汇: 1、women 英 [ˈwɪmɪn] 美 ['wɪmɪn] n.女人(woman的复数);堂客;红粉。 2、day 英 [deɪ] 美 [de] n.一天;白天;时期;节日 adj.日间的;...

三八妇女节英语贺卡展开全部 The world because of had the woman, but appears particularly beautiful! The regards are only the short several lines, is actually a thick true meaning!...

三八妇女节英语祝福语1、妇女节将至,祝福魅力无敌,聪明伶俐;神采飞扬,常带笑意;端庄漂亮,青春靓丽;聪明赛孔明,英明如上帝的你,妇女节开心又快乐! 2、妇女节将至,收到短信你最美;你的微笑迷人眼,你的声音胜黄...

三八妇女节英语祝福要有翻译的You can do almost anything you put your mind to... You can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak. Be a doctor or fly a plane. You can face adversity...

关于三八妇女节英文名称: International Working Women's Day 妇女节简介 国际劳动妇女节为每年的3月8日。 国际劳动妇女节[1] (International Working Women's Day) 又称“联合国妇女权益...

关于国庆节的英语说明关于国庆节的英语说明,有关国庆节的英语作文带翻译:National Day is the symbol of china, It is on October 1, 1949, the anniversary of the new China was founded.Reflec...
